It turned out that the billionaire decided to direct almost all of his fortune to charity.Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / PhotoXPress.Common crawl en “I am not a fan of giving public promises of this kind, but I can say that I made a decision: my condition will go to charity,” said the owner of Alfa Group, answering a question from the audience. “The worst thing I could do for my children is to give them a large sum of money.” According to the billionaire, his business partners made similar decisions. True, he didn’t name any specific names. Friedman also doesn’t plan to attract children to work in the Alfa Group. Why did the billionaire make such a decision? The father of many children identified two reasons. First, he wants his children to reach professional and career heights on their own, just like him. Secondly, he is opposed to his children, especially the eldest 22-year-old daughter Laura, attracted the attention of people pursuing unseemly goals. Photo: Vadim Tarakanov / PhotoXPress.en Recall that 52-year-old Mikhail Fridman as of 2016 is the second in the Russian ranking of the richest businessmen from Forbes. His fortune is estimated at 13.3 billion dollars. His core capital is the Alfa Group consortium, which he is the main owner of (the group of companies includes Alfa Bank, X5 Retail Group, A1 and Rosvodokanal), and LetterOne Holdings group. The billionaire has four children : 22-year-old Laura Friedman, 20-year-old Ekaterina Friedman, 16-year-old Alexander Ozhelsky and 10-year-old Nika Ozhelskaya. In the ranking of the richest heirs of Russian billionaires for 2016, they occupy 10th place, each of them has 3.3 billion dollars.

