Recently, a Korean daddy named Tony Parkpatented a device that will “smell” their children’s diapers instead of parents and tell them when it’s time to change their baby. After all, it’s not always convenient to “unpack” a baby to check how he’s doing. And the parents’ habit of sniffing their baby’s bottom still looks pretty strange from the outside. The system is a small Bluetooth sensor that’s attached to the diaper. And not on the inside, but on the outside. Which means it doesn’t need to be washed every time. The device analyzes changes in temperature or air composition, and sends information about the contents of the diaper to the parents’ smartphone – for this, you need to install a special application. Unless it changes the baby itself. But we can handle that ourselves somehow. Is the device useful? Perhaps. It also depends on the price. However, there are a whole bunch of gadgets on sale that cost a lot of money and bring practically no benefit.

Heater for wet wipes

This is pure lordliness!They say that babies are so sensitive that they cannot stand contact with a cold napkin. Manufacturers of warmers assure that this device is especially necessary at night, when the baby “changes” the diaper. Otherwise, wipe the bottom with a warm cloth, and the child does not even wake up. The miracle device costs from 1000 to 5000 rubles. From my own experience, I can say: a cold wet napkin was certainly not the reason why my son, a baby, did not sleep at night. But if you are so concerned about the temperature of the napkins, put the package on the radiator or warm them in your hands.Photo: Ebay

Bottle Preheater

For mothers who breastfeed, this is generallyuseless device. Up to 6 months, children are fed only with milk, even water is not necessary. But babies on artificial feeding will not need it either. After all, the mixture for the child should be freshly prepared. The exception is expressed mother's milk, which can be stored in the refrigerator and even in the freezer. But it can easily be warmed up by dipping the bottle in a pan of boiling water. You will save from 800 to 6000 rubles.Photo: Aliexpress


The price range for the device is huge.You can buy a simple one for 700 rubles or go all out for a fancy ultraviolet one for 15,000. However, a sterilizer is again absolutely unnecessary when breastfeeding. And formula bottles and nipples can be boiled in a saucepan or simply poured with boiling water. The only thing you will need is tongs for dishes, so as not to burn yourself.Photo: Aliexpress

Thermometer for baby food

Believe me, your wrist will determine the comfortable temperature for food no worse. And it will not distort the readings. Meanwhile, a thermometer for food costs from 300 to 5000 rubles.Photo: Aliexpress

Diaper Disposal

No smell, no dirt.The price of the issue is from 1,500 to 9,000 rubles. In this case, you will have to constantly buy replacement cartridges. Do you need it? It is much easier to tie a dirty diaper in a bag and throw it in a trash can with a lid.Photo: Ebay

Baby scales

Doctors will weigh your baby every day,what you will spend in the maternity hospital. And after that – every month at the pediatrician’s appointment. However, at first I really needed this device. The baby had problems with digestion, and he was not gaining weight well. Strict control was important. Scales cost from 2,000 to 50,000 rubles. I got out of the situation by renting them. 300 rubles a month is a completely different matter.Photo: Aliexpress

Sleep positioner

Special mattress for babies up to 2-3 monthswith bolsters or sides. It fixes the baby in a side position so that he does not roll over in his sleep and does not choke if he burps. Such mattresses cost from 1100 to 5500 rubles. And a rolled-up diaper or a towel under the back costs about 200 rubles at most.Photo: Aliexpress

