In general, around autistics there seems to bea kind of information vacuum. In Russia, even there is no statistics that would contain data on the diseases included in the RAS, and the distinguishing features of people with this diagnosis, except for specialists, very few people are interested.A photo: Getty Images Actually, autism is a pathology of the development of the nervous system, characterized by a violation of social interaction and communication, as well as limited and repetitive behavior. We still do not know the causes of autism, but there are a number of factors that most likely contribute to its occurrence. These are genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, viruses, infections during pregnancy, metabolic disorders, immune conflict, perinatal hypoxia. There are four main characteristics by which a child with RAS can easily be calculated: lack of interest in social interaction, speech impairment, limited interests and addiction to stereotyped activity. If the baby avoids eye contact, shows an unusual reaction to sounds, does not react to his name, spends a lot of time laying out things or toys in a certain order there is a delay in speech and the development of motor skills, it is very picky in eating, then this can be a reason for contacting specialists. To begin, it is worth paying a visit to these complaints of the pediatrician. If necessary, the doctor will send a small patient to the consultation of a neurologist, a psychologist and a speech therapist. To be afraid of the fact of statement of the diagnosis it is not necessary, it is not illness or disease, and to cure autism tablets it is impossible. But with the correct selection of correctional therapy and adaptation program in society, the diagnosis can even be permanently removed. For children suffering from RAS, there is a high sensory sensitivity, so when meeting with such a child, do not rush to him with embraces. Small tricks that will help in communicating with the baby, lie on the surface, but many are just too lazy to even think about it. Decided to buy a gift for clothes? Choose one that is pleasant to the skin, from soft, seamless fabrics. Do not forget to cut all the labels under the root, they also cause discomfort. Want to carry the kid to play? Offer as a location a place protected from external influences: a tent, a house of a veil, any secluded corner. Going for a walk? In advance, estimate the estimated number of people and try to discuss the route with the child. Give him the opportunity to be where he is comfortable, do not play with peers, if he does not want to, do not draw attention if he does not need it. Support the initiative, for example, to collect leaflets and study their autumn colors. Do not think that the diagnosis of "autism" isolates the child from society. People with RAS are able to fully adapt through therapy and live a normal life: going to the movies and parks, riding bicycles, reading books, working and doing everything that people do without RA. Of course, it all depends on the characteristics of a particular person, but help society is invaluable. And this must always be remembered.