Since the beginning of the 80s, it has become common throughout the worldan unusual way of giving birth - in water - has become widespread. In the West, this method is called "Russian", since it was developed by our compatriot and contemporary I. B. Charkovsky. The essence of the method is that the fetus passes from the uterus through the birth canal not into the air, but into the water environment. And this significantly softens the impact of external factors on the newborn. It is also important that in the water environment the mother is in a relaxed, comfortable state and it is easier for her to control the tension of the uterus. Almost all those who gave birth in water say that such births give a feeling of "incomparable bliss". It sounds, you must agree, a little strange, but you have to take their word for it. Children born in water and who began to swim from the first days of life demonstrate miracles of health, physical and mental development. They walk from 6-8 months, are not afraid of colds, begin to talk early and do well in school. French obstetrician Michel Odent explored the benefits of water births, using “pools” for this, i.e. small bathtubs. Having received the results of several hundred births, he described them in his book “The New Birth of Childbirth”. And when even refined France accepted water births, the whole world treated the new method with respect.
Benefits of giving birth in water
The benefits of being born in water sound pretty goodconvincingly, but, as a rule, preference is given to traditional childbirth. However, interest in water birth does not wane. Water is the most effective, accessible, cheap and convenient way to relieve labor pain. We all remember Archimedes' law, according to which a body immersed in liquid is acted upon by a buoyant force proportional to the total liquid displaced by this body. To put it simply, water lifts a woman. When a woman in labor is immersed in a pool, she almost does not feel her body, since the water supports her bones and muscles. This releases energy for the uterus. The muscles of the hips, back, abdomen and birth canal relax. The deeper the woman in labor is immersed in water, the more volume she pushes out, and the more her tissues relax. Those who painfully endure childbirth on their backs are especially happy to receive such almost instantaneous relief. When the back muscles relax, the internal tissues relax, which allows the baby to move more freely. Stress and anxiety during labor trigger an increased release of hormones that can have a harmful effect on both mother and fetus. To protect vital organs, the body perceives the uterus as a non-vital organ under stress. If the blood flow to the uterus is reduced, the baby may suffer from oxygen deficiency. A nice warm bath will help avoid this. Contractions in water are perceived as rolling waves. In water, the woman is left to her own devices and can improvise without any restrictions. Water allows her body to take any position, so you can choose one in which contractions cause the least discomfort. In water, a woman relaxes her mind and can surrender to instincts, freed from external tension. When you find yourself in a swimming pool again, try it for yourself. Immersion acts as a constant massage of the whole body, stimulating skin receptors, as a result of which the nervous system is loaded with pleasant sensations and blocks the path of pain signals. In water, the woman in labor feels quite free and can choose the most comfortable position for childbirth. Below are some observations and recommendations for those wishing to try giving birth in water. Of course, the desire to give birth in water is not enough. This can only be done under the supervision of a doctor who is proficient in the necessary technique.
- Choose the optimum water temperature for you(usually it's body temperature or a little lower). The depth of the bath should be at least 60 cm, so that the water closes the stomach, when a woman is on all fours or squats. In order for the bath to move freely, it should be at least 2.2 m wide.
- The best time to dive is the beginningactive stage of labor (cervical dilation of 5-8 cm). Immersion too early can delay labor (this can be helpful if the latent period of labor is prolonged and the mother is tired but unable to sleep). Many women have found water particularly helpful during the expulsion of the fetus. The mother's free movements help the baby to find its way out with the least resistance. Most women have found that when contractions are coming on almost without a break, water provides the relief they seek. If you feel that the contractions are so strong that you are about to pass out, water can help you to regain consciousness.
- Strong battles, undoubtedly, are a signal to the fact that it's time to go to the bath. The supporting force of the water will relieve the pressure of contractions. Instead of suffering from pain, take a bath.
- If active birth begins to slow down whenimmersion in water, you better get out of the bath, be like, sit on all fours, to continue childbirth after rest. If the contractions resume with renewed vigor, you can return to your water shelter again.
- Water not only alleviates pain during labor,but can stop the dead stoppage of labor. Water can resume contractions, for example, you can immerse yourself in a bath, splash water on your nipples, which will cause an increase in the concentration of stimulating contractions of hormones in the body.
- If there are no contraindications, childbirth can be continuedin water and after the fetal bladder has opened. Although there is a theoretical risk of infection, during the studies of childbirth in the water, an increase in the number of infected women was not observed.
- Bath does not need to leave for fetal monitoring. You can do it right in the water or ask a nurse to listen to your belly with a fetoscope.
- Do not think that in water you will not do anything at allfeel. Water reduces pain, but can not remove it altogether. Much more important is how you can move in the water. Feel yourself a mermaid and start improvising.
- A direct stream of warm water can also helpat delivery. If you give birth at home, a shower or bath will become your friends. Sometimes it helps not only immersion, but also the sound of falling water. Use these sounds to imagine ocean waves or a waterfall.
- Dive into the tub when you want, just do not do it directly during the fight. Most women leave the water when time comes to push.
Is it possible to stay in the water during childbirth, not only during fights, but also after the opening of the cervix?
With a sufficiently experienced assistant andIf properly organized, water births are completely safe. Modern medicine is reluctant to accept alternative methods and is only beginning to consider water births as a way to return to nature. Maternity hospital doctors are not yet accustomed to the idea of using water to ease childbirth. Perhaps one day, water births will gain universal acceptance. But for now, this idea belongs more to the realm of fantasy than reality. Note that schools that practice water births without immediately removing the baby may be dangerous. According to their theory, the baby is left floating under water for some time to ease the transition from the womb to this world. Supporters of this method believe that if the umbilical cord continues to pulsate, the baby is receiving enough oxygen. But the placenta begins to separate from the uterus a few seconds after birth, so oxygen cannot reach the baby in sufficient quantities. Opponents believe that pulsation of the umbilical cord cannot be considered a sign of adequate oxygen supply. Perhaps we should learn from the experience of sea animals. Whales and dolphins push their newborns to the surface of the water immediately after birth. Undoubtedly, these mammals have much more experience of childbirth in water than we, humans. Childbirth in water is not a temporary fad. Over time, it will take its place in obstetrics. But do not think that you will enjoy a warm bath for hours, have painless contractions, and then quickly get out of the bath and give birth. The greatest success can be achieved by combining the effects of warm water and vertical movements (walking, squatting, etc.). In our country, supporters of the method of I.B. Markovsky unite in clubs. There, a set of preparatory measures for childbirth in water is carried out, medical supervision of the birth itself is ensured. After childbirth, a system of physical improvement of children is offered: hardening, swimming (in particular in winter in an ice hole), walking barefoot in the snow. Undoubtedly, the ideas of I. B. Markovsky should be studied, however, amateur activity regarding water births is unacceptable, as it is fraught with the most serious consequences.
Birth of the placenta
The third period is postpartum(последовый), наиболее короткая и легкая стадия. Рождение плаценты может продолжаться от 5 минут до получаса. Через несколько минут после рождения ребенка матка вновь начинает сокращаться, чтобы изгнать плаценту. У некоторых женщин эти схватки похожи на сильные спазмы, другие даже не замечают этой стадии родов. Во время первого контакта с ребенком происходит выброс окситоцина. Этот гормон помогает матке сократиться естественным образом и закончить свою работу. Выделение окситоцина происходит также во время прикладывания ребенка к груди (по этой причине вы можете ощущать спазматическое сокращение матки при кормлении грудью в первые дни после родов). При физиологическом ведении родов принимающий роды позволяет природе все сделать самостоятельно. Ребенка кладут на живот матери на то место, где расположена плацента. Пуповина пережимается и перерезается после того, как перестает пульсировать. Тогда вырабатывающиеся в организме матери гормоны способствуют сокращению матки, и та отторгает плаценту. Если рождение плаценты затягивается, вы можете ускорить процесс, если несколько раз сильно потужитесь. При активном ведении родов врач может решить, что природа действует правильно, но слишком медленно. Тогда пуповина пережимается сразу после рождения ребенка, матери делается инъекция окситоцина и вызывается искусственное сокращение матки. Некоторые женщины предпочитают активное ведение третьей стадии, так как в этом случае роды заканчиваются быстрее. В большинстве случаев нормальных родов без осложнений организм сам справится со своей задачей. Врач же может только помогать ему, дав ребенку сосать грудь столько, сколько он захочет. Роженица может сделать жесткий массаж верхней части матки (после родов верхняя часть или дно матки располагается в области пупка), чтобы помочь ей сократиться и родить послед.
Possible complications
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