Family Courtenay photoFamily Courtenay photoFamily Courtenay photoKortnev with his wife photo1 / 4Photo: Sergey DjevakhashviliPhoto: Sergey DzhevakhashviliPhoto: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili "The nose-shaped exhaust is my idea!" - says Alexey. “Functionally and fun.” Photo: Sergey Djevakhashvili, “We cannot say that we finally moved here,” says Alexey. - Anyway, at school time, when children need to go to school, we live in Moscow, and here we come exclusively for the weekend. But from May to September is constantly here. The house was originally designed for a large number of children. By the end of construction, Amina and I had two sons and Asya was on the way. Therefore, the whole generation was given away to the younger generation. Each has its own room, common playroom. There is even a secret nursery where the entrance is prohibited for adults. There simply can not get a big man, you need to climb on the wall to the second floor, there is no special staircase. This is their kingdom. Children swear that there is clean and tidy, but it is not possible to check the condition of the room. I have to take my word for it. I think every child dreams of such a secret room. And not because he lives badly. It’s just a normal youthful desire to have your own territory, where adults can, if they can, then only with your permission. In childhood, he also represented something similar, having read Alice in Wonderland. I imagined that if you move one of the tiles in the bathroom, a passage opens into a fairy-tale space that only I know about. Although not living in cramped conditions, I had my own room. But the dream of a fairy tale, of a cave, of a mysterious grotto, sheltered from prying eyes, did not abolish it. Therefore, Amina and I decided to give our children such a wonderful room so that they would be interested there.

Finance manages wife

I can't say that Domostroy'straditions. I think that my wife and I are quite good at dividing the functions of the head of the family in half. Amina took on a lot of everyday issues. She is a good administrator, she deals with our financial affairs, spending. Still, we make most decisions together. And the basic principles of raising children with my wife also coincide. We try not to punish them as much as possible, not to prohibit what can be allowed. And if you veto something, then explain in detail why it was done. Tell the children “You can't, that's all! Because I decided so ”without explaining the reasons is not worth it. Although we keep them in a certain rigor, they can by no means everything. And at the time of educational work Musya (Amina. - Approx. "Antenna") plays the role of an evil policeman. Still, she is a coach, and a child's one, so she is used to giving orders, stamping her feet, shouting and banging her hands on the table. For the most part, I communicate with adults, reasonable people, so I work with my own children by persuasion. However, the most effective punishment for them is a ban on doing what they love. For example, for Senka there is no more terrible punishment than deprivation of golf training. He is seriously, fanatically engaged in it. And if the son brings bad grades from school, he is forbidden to play golf until he corrects them. For Fantik (Afanasy. - Approx. "Antenna") a real tragedy if his tablet is taken away. Moreover, he does not play there, but looks for secret signs in cartoons, studies dinosaurs and other creatures, even writes some kind of mystical diary with his brother. In general, he lives in a fairy-tale world, practically not in contact with us. Therefore, the deprivation of the tablet greatly affects his behavior. My parents also never flogged me, they did not put me in a corner. But if they became harsh, talked to me, rolling their eyes and through their lips, they acted flawlessly. In our family, tender love with strokes and kisses has always reigned. And it was terrible when I was deprived of the usual mental comfort. Although it did not happen often. I was an obedient child, an excellent student, the secretary of the school's Komsomol committee. During the entire period of study, there were only a couple of scandals at school: once I was severely beaten, the second time I strongly responded to the offender.

