When can I start feeding a baby on mixed feeding

To provide the child with the necessary nutrients, it is begun to feed him in the fourth month of life.feeding a baby on mixed feedingHow correctly to introduce the feeding of a child tomixed feeding may suggest pediatrician. Photo: Getty Early feeding is especially necessary if the child has: - frequent regurgitation; - Anemia; - Rickets. Do this only on the advice of a pediatrician. How to determine that the baby is already ready for extra nutrition? The right moment will prompt the following signs: - The weight has increased at least twice; - the teeth began to be cut; Disappeared tongue reflex reflex; - the kid tries to sit down, turn his head, is interested in adult food. New food is offered only to healthy children. Even with a mild diarrhea or rash, you should not experiment. After preventive vaccinations, at least a week must pass. Five days before vaccination, the lure is also better not to enter. A child with mixed feeding may not respond adequately to lure in hot weather or in a stressful situation, for example, moving.

Dangers of complementary feeding on mixed feeding

The main problem faced by momsbabies on mixed feeding with the introduction of additional nutrition, is an allergy. To avoid an undesirable reaction will help consultation of a child's doctor. He will tell the first components that are suitable for your child. Enter new products gradually and observe the reaction of the baby. Another danger is that the crumb can completely abandon breast milk. To avoid this, you need to give the child hunger, then breastfeed and only after that offer lure. How to enter supplemental nutrition correctly: - Start with apple juice. On the first day, offer a few drops after breastfeeding. - In the first week you can give only a spoonful of juice per day. - By the middle of the second week you can increase the lure of up to three spoons. - In the third week the child can try another juice: pear or carrot juice. After the baby gets used to juices, he is given fruit or vegetable mashed potatoes: from apples, courgettes, bananas or broccoli. The feeding of a child requires patience and care from parents, especially if mixed feeding is practiced. To avoid problems, be sure to take into account the recommendations of your pediatrician. It is also useful to know:

