- Nadya turns three in June. Every minute when I'm at work, it seems to me that I'm missing something. After all, she has a new face every day, manners change. A daughter is a little me. Persevering, firmly stands on his own. It happens, we argue, I say: "I'm an adult and I know how it's better." Nadia responded: "And I know what I want!" As a result, Dad separates us (the actress is married to the scriptwriter of the series "Real Boys" by Alexander Sineguzov.) - Note: "Antennas"). He and my grandparents have "good cops", we are forced to keep the defense and educate with the nanny. And while this scheme works.Photo: Roman Kuznetsov

I'm trying to make my dreams come true in Nadia

- I used to think that I would become my girlfriend. And it turned out that I am copying the exact education of my mother. Her phrase "I'm not your girlfriend" and it turns in my tongue when Nadia does not listen ... And I hold back not to tell her (as the actress affectionately calls her daughter. "- Note:" Antennas "). And I hope I will never tell her, because she herself hated it in her childhood. In the case of which I say strictly: "So!", And she is already straining. At this in matters of education, I try not to pay attention to someone else's opinion. For example, no matter how I was persuaded, I do not plan to give Nadia to a kindergarten. What is it for? To socialize the child, talked with peers. And in this, it seems to me, circles can help. I'll take my donation to dances and oriental martial arts. Everyone is wondering why a girl is karate, and I understand that I'm trying to translate my childhood dream into Nadya. I wanted to be able to stand up for myself, and martial arts - it's also very beautiful. Our dad insists on swimming. And I'll add more drawing to the heap. I think we'll go with her together - I myself will be happy to learn how to work at the easel. Still from small plans - to pierce ears. Neither I nor Nadia has earrings. How will she be four years old, already pierced our four ears at once. It turned out that I am exactly copying the education of my mother. In the series "Real boys" I am a movie son and Nadia I do not bring up as a girl. I do not see a princess in her, it's more like a child, a person. The main thing I want to teach her is patience. Of course, she can pokanyuchit, demand a toy. Sometimes I can specially say: "I forgot the money. Next time". And she will not start beating her head and hysterical. Patience is an important quality, it will bring many fruits to it in the future. Well, my dad in education emphasizes a good mood. I think if each of us brings something of our own, then we will grow the right person.

Want to actress - send it to "all the hard"

- Already now I notice artistry in my daughter.When he and dad turn on cartoons on a large projector on weekends and act out mini-scenes from them for two, I see how cool Nadia transforms. It doesn't matter which role is male or female. My daughter gives all the best in 100% in any way. If one morning she wakes up and says that she wants to become an actress, I will send immediately "breaking bad." I'll give it to the children's theater - so that three-hour rehearsals in the evenings and reporting performances on weekends. I, too, was immediately thrown into the water without being taught how to swim: after school I ran to rehearsals at the children's dance theater three times a week, and on Sundays, instead of resting, we had concerts to which tickets were sold. ... I was a C grade student ... If Nadya wants to continue after such a dive, then it’s hers! And if not, then at least time will not be lost. I have a plan for her to study in first or second grade and then start homeschooling. And I focused, for example, on sports and acting. I have more negative memories from school. I was a C grade student. But not because she was stupid or lazy, but simply I needed to explain from a different angle or tell it once more. Mom hired different tutors, but in the end, my self-esteem only dropped, and I was even afraid to say something in class so as not to get ridiculed by the excellent students. With Nadia I decided: if I study well and do everything, great. No - I will not insist on fives. For me, it is more important to give her the opportunity to open up and not undermine her inner self-confidence. At 8-9 years old, at the time of graduation from elementary school, she will already be an adult, and we will come up with something with her. Since the age of 14 I have already worked as a waitress in a summer cafe. She herself moved to Moscow from Perm. But for the daughter of some kind of conscious hardship, so that she learns to appreciate what she has, I will not arrange. First, while she is still small. And secondly, I believe that I can convey this to her in words. For example, I had everything until I was nine. On any day of the calendar, we found a holiday to buy me a gift. And then my mother fell ill, my father had a new family, and I quickly rebuilt. One conversation was enough for mom to understand: everything has changed. But at the same time, I grew up happy and kind. And I like that Nadya is already growing free, she knows how to fantasize. For example, I was very surprised when she said that the shadow of a chandelier and a lantern is like a tree. It's great that my daughter is already thinking creatively. We would like to thank Amedia Production for help in preparing the material.

