Beauty Ravshan is on the list of Russianstars, whose pregnancies are waiting for the fans with a special impatience. Still, because the girl is now 37 years old, she is in demand, loved, but ... has not yet become a mother. Some consider her childfree, someone suggests that the actress simply can not get pregnant. However, Ravshan does not like to speak out on this topic and almost never discovers privacy.Photo:Anna Salynskaya / Legion-MediaHowever, recently the girl gave an interview to a glossy publication, in which she admitted that becoming a mother is her cherished desire. “For everyone, a dream is some kind of miracle, a new important chapter. For a woman, this is often motherhood. Many of my acquaintances are happy with such a conscious choice. Someday, God forbid, and I will be able to be realized this way. Until that happens, my main hobby is theater. ”Ravshana told reporters that she had already tried on the role of a mother with many children, though only in cinema. For the new role, she had to gain extra weight, which was quite difficult for a fragile and graceful actress. “When I gained 8 kilograms, rumors began to circulate about my pregnancy, which touched me. After all, I was always skinny, so the roundness in the hips, the missing cubes on the stomach and a hint of cheeks became a reason for gossip, ”Ravshana said in an interview with the magazine. ... And in that in August last year, the actress again married the actor Stanislav Rumyantsev.

