Active holidays in Austria or New Year tours to Germany Cold and dull slush on the street. It's chilly, gloomy, I do not want to wake up, get out from under a warm blanket, go to work. Autumn depression, especially in November, when the gold of the foliage is no longer pleasing to the eye, delivers us a lot of trouble, spoils the mood, reduces efficiency and even detrimental to well-being. How to deal with this feeling of fatigue and weakness?

Do not we have a winter holiday in Austria?

Do not hang your nose and tune into a positive. Ahead of the New Year holidays, and in order not to mope, it makes sense to start training in advance. In addition to everyone's favorite New Year and Christmas, winter gives us a wonderful opportunity to feel like children, to have fun from the heart. Well, a few extra days off give us a wonderful opportunity to arrange a winter vacation. You can take them anywhere, but it's better to go on a real trip to Europe. It can be , Czech Republic or ski holidays in Austria orSwitzerland. Why there? Firstly, it is not so expensive, for example, Goa or Thailand, and secondly, the Western European way of meeting Christmas is closer and more familiar to our person than the New Year on the beach, under the scorching sun.

New Year tours to Germany

New Year holidays you are in an excellent waycan spend in Germany. However, if possible, it is better to go to this country in advance, even before Christmas. The fact is that traditional Christmas markets are held annually in Frankfurt, Munich, Nuremberg and Dresden. They begin in November and last until December 24, that is, until Christmas. This is the best way to get rid of the autumn longing. It is enough to get into the fairy whirlpool, when music plays and songs are sung, processions and carnivals are arranged, all kinds of sweets and drinks are sold. Dances and fireworks, Christmas muffins and drinks, delicious sausages and indispensable beer, in short, fairs before Christmas in Germany - it's just a paradise for a gourmet and lover of simple and understandable pleasures. However, after Christmas, the atmosphere of the holiday does not go away from the streets of German cities. Huge spruce trees rise in the center of each of them, colored with lights and garlands. If at Christmas it is customary to gather at home, at a table set with many dishes led by a goose with cabbage and apples, then on New Year's the Germans rush to the streets to loudly and noisily welcome another year. On New Year's Eve in Berlin, tens of thousands of people enjoy fireworks and folk festivals.

Ski holidays in Austria

If you want to not only have fun, but also learn, finally, skiing, then - This is what you need. Ski resorts in Mayrhofen, Tyrol, St. Anton will provide an opportunity not only to master the ski runs of various difficulty levels, but also to enjoy the dazzling snowy landscapes, breathe the frosty air and swim in hot thermal springs. Even if you have never stood on a ski or snowboard, there is nothing to fear. Experienced instructors will come to your rescue, and by the end of the trip you can proudly present photos from the descents. After such an active holiday you can visit the neighboring Alpine village and enjoy the mountain color. However, there is also a treat for your stomachs. Delicious schnitzels and sausages, mulled wine and Austrian beer will please these men, but the ladies will be forced to forget about the diet traditional Austrian gentle strudel. And if the forces remain, you can go on an excursion to Vienna, Salzburg, Linz, Graz or Innsbruck. We advise you to read:

