Since February 6 on the channel STS starts the third seasonthe series "Mamochki." In real life, unlike the heroines of the sitcom, only Elena Nikolaeva has children. The actress has a son and a daughter. Senior Artemy ends this year first class, while Veronica still goes to kindergarten, but is already preparing for life on stage.Photo: @nikolaka

On punishment and self-control

Yes, I admit, I raised my voice at the children whenI was completely out of my mind. But then I realized that it would lead to nothing. So, on the contrary, I try to explain everything quietly. The quieter you speak, the more they will hear. Violence is taboo in our family. No belts, not even light spanks on the bottom. Shouting, blackmail or bribery - these are the methods my heroine's friend advised in the TV series "Mommy". None of these points are suitable for raising children. The only punishment I use is depriving them of cartoons.

About devices

My tablet is broken.My son constantly asks me to fix it, but I refuse. It's very addictive. Besides, Artemy goes to English classes, where they study on tablets. I think this motivates him to go to classes even more. And if the tablet is at home, his interest in classes will disappear. But on long trips by car, it will come in handy. But besides that, we communicate, play games on the road. For example, who can count more red cars. There are no strict time limits for watching TV. But children do not sit in front of the screen from morning to evening. But I strictly filter the channels and films that children watch.

About choosing a school

I was very afraid to send my son to first grade.I remember school with some horror. Fortunately, we have a good teacher. I didn't choose the school, but the teacher. Artemy likes going to class, although there is a lot of homework. And my son refuses to go to bed until he has done everything that is assigned. He himself understands how important studying is. At the same time, the daily routine is important. We deviate from the schedule only on weekends and holidays. On other days, we go to bed at 9 p.m. and get up at 7.30 a.m.

About children's whims

There were no tantrums among children in the toy store.I simply explain: "We can't buy this." We haven't introduced any norms, like one toy a month. The children have everything they need. But if they ask for something extra, like a toy for a couple of hours, I'll never buy it - I won't spoil the children. What we don't skimp on is books. My children really love Vladimir Suteev's fairy tales. And now we listen to the audiobook "Myths of Ancient Greece." Everything is told in an interesting and accessible way. I put it on at night, and the children fall asleep peacefully.Photo: frame from the series "Mamochki"

About psychology and crises

Every age is difficult and beautiful in its own way.They say about the three-year crisis. I think crises can happen every year. Everyone goes through it. I'm more afraid of adolescence, but we're still a long way from it. I haven't read any books on parenting. I try to do everything intuitively. But I've studied Dr. Komarovsky's textbooks. That's about health.

About sections and early development

I always ask the kids where they want to goto work out. Veronica and I tried rhythmic gymnastics. I went to one class – I didn’t like it. I never insist. Now we go to a musical group. She really likes singing and dancing. Of course, I wouldn’t want my daughter to follow in my footsteps, but it seems inevitable in her case. I can already see that an actress is growing up in her. When the children were very small, they went to a Montessori school. I don’t know how much it helped, but it certainly wasn’t unnecessary. Although I think everything comes in its own time. The eldest is going to English for the second year. We tried it with Veronica – she doesn’t want it yet. When she gets to that, then we’ll start.

