Black Bell Pepper

Unusual Black PepperIf desired, in the North, you can grow thisyieldPhoto: Oksana Esina Energetic value: 26 kcalUseful elements: vitamins C, Rpo black pepper surpasses lemon and even black currant in vitamin C content. And most of the ascorbic acid is found near the stem, that is, in that part of the fruit, which we cut off during cleaning. In pepper, ascorbic acid is combined with a large amount of vitamin P (rutin). Such a community helps strengthen blood vessels and reduce the permeability of their walls. Black pepper is very sweet in taste and is suitable for many dishes. Pasta with baked sweet pepper and tomatoes Pasta, Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs., Black pepper powder, tomatoes - 2-3 pcs., Garlic - 2 cloves, olive oil. Preheat the oven and put pepper baked. From time to time it needs to be turned. Peel tomatoes, cut into pieces, remove seeds. In a pan with hot oil, fry grated garlic. Add tomatoes, mix and simmer for 15 minutes. Ready pepper cut into long strips. Put water for pasta. Add pepper to the tomatoes and mix. Add the paste. Salt and pepper to taste.

