Changes at 34 weeks gestation

This week all important vital organsbabies finish forming. The structure of his body does not differ from the newborn baby. Life-supporting systems work fine. All the necessary reflexes have already been developed. If the crumb is born before the deadline, he can quickly adapt to the environment. His state of health will not be affected.34 week of pregnancy34 week of pregnancy is accompanied byinconveniencePhoto: Getty Mom's discomfort does not decrease compared to previous days. In the late term of pregnancy, it is difficult to lead a habitual way of life. Large size interferes with daily business. Sex is better to postpone for later. Disturbing a child can be dangerous. Because of the inconvenience, he can change the situation. The woman's organism is actively preparing for labor. Because of this, the genital tract is extremely sensitive and susceptible to infection.

What happens to the fetus

The baby gets her own personality. He has special features that will distinguish him from the others. Usually the first-born fluff disappears completely at this time. Some children can be born without losing Lanugo. Then he disappears a few days after birth. The skin is denser covered with original grease. It loses a reddish tinge. The color becomes more pale and uniform. Its surface is smoothed, and the number of folds is reduced. Cheeks acquire a rounded shape. The ovarian fluid promotes the development of the kidneys, which produce a small amount of transparent urine. The sucking reflex is improved. The crumb sucks her finger for a long time. This will help him to adapt quickly to the maternal breast. In doing so, he swallows some of the amniotic fluid. It trains the digestive system. The baby takes a position that will help him to be born. His head is located in the lower part of the uterus. Thanks to the fontanel, the bones of the skull become mobile. These loose areas between the bones make the skull softer. With age they will close. Then the head will become completely solid.what's happeningEverything that happens with mom, affects the baby. Photo: Getty Crohn is already able to show character. He does this with the help of perturbations. If he is frightened, he can jostle sharply. This reaction is followed by a loud sound or bright light. If such conditions are repeated often, it can be bad for the fetus. Because of sudden movements, he can turn over. The nature of the movements of the crumbs will tell you how it feels.

Changes that occur with a future mother

The karapuz on this date has already grown up. There is not enough free space left in the uterus. He can no longer move as actively as before. Therefore, the woman feels his stirring more calm, but at the same time strong. He can tangibly strike the ribs. The tremors become more intense when the pregnant woman is at rest. Most clearly they are felt in a prone position. It is necessary to control the perturbations. Within an hour their number is normally not less than 4. They reflect the mother's connection with the future baby. With the help of movements, the crumb shares its feelings. So he can tell his mother that he is happy or uncomfortable. At 34 weeks, the uterus is greatly increased. In the body, women develop special hormones that help soften the joints and ligaments. In the future it will facilitate childbirth. Pregnant in connection with the restructuring of the body is experiencing pain:

  • In the stomach;
  • In the sacrum;
  • In the pubic region;
  • In the hips;
  • In the lower back.

Pain sensations are temporary and after sometime passes. If the pain persists for a long time or worsens, it's worth visiting a doctor. Drawing a short pain is a symptom of training fights. At this time they are palpable. Do not worry about this. Such fights are irregular and gradually end, not leading to delivery. Symptoms of premature birth are:

  • Emptying of the intestine;
  • Abdominal abscess;
  • Departure of amniotic fluid;
  • Regular intensifying contractions.

Pregnant women suffer from edema at later stages. To reduce them, you must avoid heavy loads on the body. The cause for concern should be swelling, localized in the stomach. A woman should control soy nutrition. At 34 weeks, she normally adds about 11 kg. By this time, weight gain is slowing down. From the diet it is required to exclude fatty foods, as well as foods with a high content of simple carbohydrates. The priority task of a pregnant woman before birth is weight control.the weightMommy must control the weightPhoto: Getty You should control the selection. They should not be abundant and contain traces of blood. Their volume may increase in comparison with last week. This is due to softening of the cervix. When blood clots appear, seek immediate help.

How many months is it

Week 34 falls on the period between 7 and 8month of pregnancy. It corresponds to 32 embryonic. The baby grows to 44 cm. Its mass can be determined by ultrasound. At this time, you need to choose a maternity hospital, as well as a doctor. Before giving birth, a woman should rest a lot. She needs to sleep and avoid overloading. Week 34 is the milestone when the body of the carapace finishes forming. He is already able to live outside the womb, although there is still time before delivery.

What happens when twins become pregnant?

The growth of each fetus is about 44 cm. Weighs about 2040 grams. By this time, women gain from 16 to 24 kg. A future mother can torment the inflammation of the muscles of the pannus joint. That is, with the hip to the side, the woman is in acute pain. At this time a lot of twins are born. They are already sufficiently developed to be born without complications. Women who are pregnant with twins require more careful monitoring by doctors. They gain more weight. Accordingly, they need more rest, especially in later terms. Such children are more often born before the term. It has also been observed that in twins, the lungs mature early, so they adapt more easily to premature babies from normal pregnancy. Multiple pregnancy often ends with caesarean section.

