Ekaterina Elovskikh

Ekaterina Elovskikh, participant of the contest "Future mothers - 2016", photo Photo: "Two giraffes" How he takes care of himself. Yes, pregnancy is to some extent a difficult period. I can not say that it takes away health, but changes in the body, of course, occur. On a later date, for example, it is even difficult to lift an object from the floor, if it suddenly fell. For me, this is probably the most difficult. But this period is very cool. I do not see any difficulties for myself. As for the care of yourself - nothing much has changed: I put makeup on my face every day, doing a manicure, although they say it's harmful. But I do not believe in these tales! Photoshoots during pregnancy. Oh, I would love to capture every moment! Photoshoot - this is what lifts the mood, which adds more beauty and confidence and remains to the memory. I participated in them three times, and it was great! I really want to arrange a photo shoot shortly before the birth. I'm an amateur sharing with my friends about what's going on in my life. And I think, as soon as you can put photos of our baby, I will do it. I like to watch moms who spread beautiful photos of their children.

Elizaveta Glebova

Elizaveta Glebova, participant of the contest "Future mothers - 2016", photo Photo: "Two giraffes" How he takes care of himself. In my daily life, almost nothing has changed in the care of myself. Unless it began to use constantly a cream with the sated or saturated dense structure for all body in the morning and vecher.Potosessii during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a great time. Feelings when you carry under the heart of the baby, inexpressible. And I really want them to remain not only in memory, but also on paper. Photoshoots - a great opportunity to make it happen. During pregnancy, I and my baby did not have a professional photo shoot, but it will be in the very near future. I do not have dependence on selfi. Our kid will be photographed, of course, often, but I will not rush into social networks, as I believe that this is only our husband and I with a little long-awaited happiness.

Daria Medvedkova

Daria Medvedkova, participant of the contest "Future Mothers - 2016", photo Photo: "Two giraffes" How he takes care of himself. Pregnancy is the most unusual period in my life: it is a change in both tastes and moods. The most important thing is proper nutrition and mental state: no stress, only positive emotions. While I do it, because it helps and supports her husband. Also, do not forget about other useful things, for example, yoga and courses for expectant mothers.Photosession during pregnancy. Photosession with the tummy must be made for memory and with her husband, than I will after the contest. Of course, the shooting will be in a beautiful outfit. I do not think it's right to hide my tummy. I will surely photograph the kid, as well as record all his movements on the video, the first words, laughter, the first steps. How interesting it will be to show children's photos to your child when he grows up! Now many lay out photos of children in social networks on personal pages, and I - not an exception. When the baby grows up, he will necessarily be with me and my husband in all the photos.

Yuliya Tarasova

Julia Tarasova, participant of the contest "Future mothers - 2016", photo Photo: "Two giraffes" How he takes care of himself. In pregnancy, a woman blooms, the look becomes happier. I even notice behind myself that I'm looking at some things differently, the world is filled with brighter colors. I want to meet these inner feelings and outwardly, without harming the baby. Looking good helps, first, a healthy sleep - it is important for everyone, but for the "bearer" of a small miracle it becomes simply a necessity, because the organism is rebuilt, the hormonal and emotional background is changing. Secondly, this is the correct cosmetics: since the figure is subject to large changes, I want to come to form more quickly after delivery. To avoid stretch marks on the skin, I use Bio oil two times a day, as well as baby cream. I make a make-up easy, and from a varnish for fingernails or nails has refused at all. Maybe it's a myth, but I do not want lyalka to breathe odorous substances. In the rest nothing has changed. Live and enjoy every day in a special situation! Photoshoots during pregnancy - my attitude towards them. I like to be photographed very much and will definitely go to a photo shoot in a month. How can you not capture such an important moment in our family life? Photos will be posted in the social network: I have a large family, and due to circumstances we do not often see each other. Therefore, I will share with my family how we grow and what successes we have.

Nadezhda Ivanova

Nadezhda Ivanova, participant of the contest "Future mothers - 2016", photo Photo: "Two giraffes" How to care for yourself. Get plenty of rest and positive emotions! A very important factor is the care of your beloved husband and close people. Photos during pregnancy. I'm waiting for the second baby. In the first pregnancy I did not want to be photographed, but now I regret it. In this pregnancy, I have already planned a family photo shoot. I want to save wonderful and important moments in the photo! In general, often photographed with her daughter (she is 2 years old), she already likes to pose. I, like any parent, are proud of my baby and her achievements, and I am pleased to share this with my friends and family in social networks.

