"My God, I'm so tired," - complains one momanother on the playground. To the complaints the old women sitting beside on the bench listen. They do not say anything, they just look at her baby carriage (a real walking house on wheels) and sigh: "We would like this in our time!" "Do you remember our strollers? - connects to the dialogue another grandmother. - In the year 52 the husband of my neighbor from Germany brought. The real luxury was, as we envied her! "Luxury imported strollers were considered for a long time. And not only they. Now remember what happened to our mothers, marvel! After all, everyone had time, worked, brought up children, met the New Year. And they did not complain. We decided to look into the recent past and compare modern motherhood with what our moms and grandmothers were like.


How our moms did without modern gadgetsHow our moms did without modern gadgets1 / 2The diapers were sewn from a double layer of gauze. Photo: Getty Images In the West, diapers appeared in the 60s, in Russia - in the 90s. Photo: Getty Images Disposable diapers have made the life of young mothers much easier. By this invention, we are obliged to Marion Donovan, a well-known literary critic and a large mother. She did not have enough time to care for the newborn daughter, so smart Marion sewed waterproof children's panties from several glues (later they were replaced with special absorbent paper) and curtains for the bathroom. A few years later, Victor Mills, using the idea of ​​Donovan, released the first diapers. This happened in 1961, but our moms saw diapers Pampers only in the early 90's. Prior to that, sewed gauze. By the way, in the book "Housekeeping" in 1960 there is a special chapter devoted to things for the newborn. In comparison with modern children, the dowry of the children looked rather poor before. Mums were offered to stock up 10 ryazhonkami, 6 blouses, 20 thin and 10 paper diapers, 4 caps (or 4 kerchiefs), several sheets and pillowcases, a warm and light blanket, duvet covers, a large oilcloth that was covered with a mattress, 2 smaller oilcloths (30 for 30 centimeters). Diapers replaced diapers folded in a triangle. They were sewn from a double layer of gauze.


1 / 10 Previously, strolls were woven from the vines Photo: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Getty ImagesPhoto: Alexander SerikovPhotos: Alexander SerikovPhotos: Alexander SerikovPhotos: Alexander SerikovPhotos: Alexander SerikovKolyaski in the USSR began to appear in the 50 years and were considered a great luxury. How did they manage without them? Wore children in their arms. In the winter - sledging. There were masters who wove strollers from the vines, made of wood. The mass production of children's transport we owe to Party leader Sergo Ordzhonikidze. From its submission began to open shops for the production of strollers, and in the 70 years, "wheels" were almost every kid. They made it easier for young mothers, but not too much. Already very heavy, clumsy and uncomfortable were strollers. The limit of dreams was an imported wheelchair, which was considered a terrible deficit. To get them it was possible only for a great deal of trouble. And then the "booty" was protected as the apple of the eye, passed from generation to generation. And sometimes even bought in a fold for several families.


1 / 2Photo: frame from the film "Moscow does not believe in tears" Photo: Getty ImagesOh, it's a separate song. Remember these monsters from our childhood? They roared, bubbled, splashed, chewed and torn linen, and it was necessary to squeeze, scrolling the sheets between two tight rubber rollers. Water these machines did not know how to warm, drain and rinse too. But such machines were happiness! With their appearance, women unanimously said: "This is freedom!" Previously, they erased with a roller-beater. This required a lot of effort. The powder replaced the steamed ash. Instead of soap used elder or lemon juice. For bleaching, the underwear was soaked in milk or a potato broth. Fat stains were removed with chalk or kerosene. Then came the laundry soap. In it, the laundry was soaked, and then washed on a board. This was a real torture. Undressed hands with torn knuckles, aching back, you do not even want to remember your nails ... Then boiling. Non-lifting buckets with soap and laundry were placed on the stove. At that moment the apartment turned into a real bathhouse. After boiling proceeded to rinse - in icy water, of course. To make the linen not only was crystal clear, but also crispy, used starch. All this went all day, and even the whole weekend. Progress broke into the life of a Soviet woman with the advent of synthetic detergents. The first washing powder called "Novosti" was released in 1953. In the 50 years began to appear and "electronic washerwoman". They began to produce the Riga plant RES. Just then the posters from the series "Let the road to the trough, steps large to the washing machine," come into fashion. Since then everything has changed. While the machine quietly purrs, washing clothes, you can do anything. For example, to sleep.


A photo: Alexander Serikov Today, swimming is one of the favorite entertainments for kids. A real ritual. And how many invented different accessories for water procedures! From the first years of life, the baby in the bathroom has his own shelf with shampoos, woolcloths in the form of heroes of fairy tales, bright circles and a special chair for bathing. A special place is occupied by toys: rubber ducks, dolphins with motors, waterproof books with funny pictures, etc. In Soviet times, the bathing process did not look like a game, but as a necessity. Of the attributes acquired a wash basin, a cup for washing, a baby soap and a jug with a lid. A tray or a basin was placed on a stable stand, on the right hand on a table or stool, soap and a jug of water were prepared for pouring. The duration of bathing procedures took no more than 7 minutes. From children's cosmetics used only cream and talcum powder. Sometimes a decoction of herbs was added to the bathing water (oak bark and celandine were popular).


1 / 2 Photo: Getty Images Photo: Alexander SerikovKrovatka for the baby is always on the first place in the list of necessary things. Today, in shops that sell children's furniture, you can get lost. What kind of cradle did not come up with: a cradle, a cot in the form of a car, a bed-transformer, a manege-bed. They offer cots with wheels and in the form of a rocking chair. Children who were born in the Soviet era, from diapers faced a deficit. It was not easy to get the same bed, so they were often crafted independently. It's good that at the labor lessons at that time they taught how to make furniture. Beds were without frills: no canopies, carved lattices and other beauties. The main task of the joiner is to make the sleeping place comfortable for the newborn. Not more.


1 / 3Photo: Alexander SerikovPhoto:Alexander SerikovPhoto: Alexander SerikovToday, store shelves are simply heaped up with all sorts of bottles, sachets, boxes and jars with baby food. Our moms could easily do without all this kitchen. Of the additives, only fish oil was recognized, it was given from 2-3 months in winter and autumn. Fruit and vegetable juices were also prepared from 2 months. We started complementary foods with a few drops and increased the portion to 2 teaspoons within 2-3 weeks. The recipe for this juice is simple. Thoroughly washed ripe fruits or vegetables were kneaded in clean dishes or rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through cheesecloth. It was only possible to store such a drink for a day, and without sterilizers. They were replaced by boiling. The process went like this: milk was poured into clean bottles, plugged with clean cotton wool and placed in a saucepan. A rag was placed at the bottom of the pan and water was poured to the level of milk in bottles. After 5-10 minutes, after the water boils (perhaps sooner), the bottles were cooled and stored at a temperature of no higher than 10 degrees Celsius. At that time, no one knew about electric breast pumps and milk freezer bags either. A midwife or nurse taught a young mother how to express milk. Or her own mother, which is more likely. Every year the dowry of a newborn is increasing. Homemade wooden horses and playpen have been replaced with electronic swings, in which you can sleep, play and even eat. Instead of an alarm clock, a smart baby monitor has appeared, bottles with milk can now heat up by themselves. This is due to the reaction of salt and water during the activation of the cartridge. Smart watches or special bracelets "Mother and Child" will always tell where the restless child ran away. There are even thermal spoons that change color when the food is still hot. Remember how in childhood mothers were forced to blow on it several times before taking a spoonful of soup in their mouths. They even invented a special so-called rocker. It is attached to the handle of the stroller, and thanks to the built-in battery, the process of lulling the baby begins. Modern gadgets sing lullabies, read books, measure temperature. And recently, Spanish scientists have invented an electronic crying translator. The device can tell you why the kid is upset: he just got bored or has a toothache. All these modern inventions make it a little scary. There is something that no trendy gadget can replace. Mother's care, mother's voice, the warmth of mother's hands. Still, trust the miracle helpers to clean the house, not raise a child.

