Japanese designersJapanese designersELLE DECOR: You are the most titled Japanese designer. In your account more than 60 awards, your objects are exhibited in the New York Museum of MoMA ... NAUTO FUKASAWA: All this, of course, is very pleasant, but trophies are not my goal. And what purpose do you pursue? I'll explain now. People were off their feet in search of something extraordinary - talking vacuum cleaners, walking tables, and ordinary, conscientiously made things to appreciate stopped. What is the worst thing for a designer today? To hear about your creation: "Nothing special!" So, I do not want to participate in this general insanity. I try to stay normal and do extremely simple, convenient, "normal" things. What do you mean by "normal"? Two years ago at the Milan Salon my collection of aluminum stools for Magis was shown. Passing by the stand, I suddenly noticed that three stools are standing in a corner, in a recreation area for visitors. People did not even realize that this is part of the exposition - they sat down on them to rest and have a bite. I was shocked, but I was reassured by Jasper Morrison. He said: "Rejoice that people perceive your stool not as an exhibition exhibit, but as a piece of furniture, and it is designed to sit on it. In this there is nothing out of the ordinary. On the contrary, this is supernormal! "So, how was your joint exhibition" Super Normal "born? Yes. We put up in London a hundred absolutely normal objects - bottles, chairs, tables, the same stools ... Things coming out under the brand ± 0, are also supernormal? The brand name is the key to understanding its ideology. It's very simple: a modern man is madly tired of fashion. Indeed, among all these hits, which we are so actively imposed by advertising, half of the garbage. We decided to return everything to the level of ± 0 - they began to do simple things that honestly carry out their work. I read that you do not use the Internet.Why? Not that at all ... It would be more correct to say - I turn on the computer only in exceptional cases. There are mountains of useless, head-clogging information. So, collections from ± 0 are a decisive "no" to multifunctional devices that hover, and even sweep the floor. We identify the main function and cut off all the minor ones. For example, a ± 0 calculator adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides, as it should be for this device, and at the same time is completely devoid of services like the ability to create an address book. What is more in your projects - intuition or calculation? Intuition. I base myself on instinct and observation. For example, the design of my mobile phone suggested an oval-shaped pebble that I found on the beach. I noticed that when a person holds a pipe in his hands, he always twirls it, as if playing it. And there is no better shape for playing than smooth pebbles. What do you think about Russia? I have never been to Russia. All I can say is that I think you Russians are overly self-critical. For example, why do you scold your cars like that? In terms of design, your penny is a work of art.

