Unique housesUnique housesHouse that is in the mid-ninetieswas bought by a group of anonymous investors, already ready for use, to begin rejuvenating its inhabitants. The authors of the unusual project, the seventy-year-old designer Arakawa (Arakawa) and his wife Madeline Gins, claim that the building they built will keep the people in good shape, constantly thinking about balance. windows of various sizes and shapes, walls painted in forty different colors and a non-standard lighting system. All this is intended to create a feeling of being in double space, as well as instill a constant sense of attentiveness in the owners of the house. According to the designers, comfort is a harbinger of death. Their own building will keep the inhabitants in an “indicative” relationship with the outside world, preserving their youth.A tireless creative couple has already built similarhouses. For example, in Japan, the owner of their architectural creation is sometimes forced to crawl “snake” to get from one end of the room to the other, which trains and strengthens the immune system. Three months later, the resident himself thanked the architects, saying that he was feeling much better. We also recently talked about an unusual house built upside down. According to the architect, this house should remind people of the instability of the world, and that it’s time to turn it upside down. According to RosBusinessConsulting and elitechoice.org

