Project author: florist Natalia Zhizhko ("Gardens of El Salvador") Garlands of flowersGarlands of flowersextremely corny and totally unsuitable for a romantic evening. A completely different matter is a small coffee table - sitting at it, you will be in close proximity to your chosen one. To add originality and create an atmosphere of relaxation, we recommend using pillows instead of chairs (not necessarily special, floor pillows - the most ordinary ones, in bright, beautiful covers, are also suitable). The main color of the evening is the color of love - red. To set off the floristic design, it is better to use dishes in blue and turquoise shades for serving - from light to rich. Blue and red go very well together. So, let's start decorating the evening. At your disposal a couple of hours and our ideas: a garland with rose petals and mi, on which you can write romantic messages; compositions in vases with bright ranunculi and roses and original napkin rings.

Rose in a glass

Patterns and ornaments of flowersPatterns and ornaments of flowers

  • Photo 1. A flower in a glass of "living" water. Glass candlestick, 400 rubles.; red "diamond", 350 rub. (all - "Studio Flowers 55").
  • Photo 2. In the candlestick pour water and throw some transparent stones imitating ice.
  • Photo 3. Then a flower halo is placed on top. If the ice is not at hand, pour sparkling water instead of plain water.

Garland with rose petals and cards

  • Photo 1. To create a garland were used: a garland of glass petals of green and transparent white on a strong twisted wire, a garland with red feathers, flowers of living roses and small postcards. Garland with leaves, 200 rubles.; a garland of feathers, 100 rubles / m.
  • Photos 2, 3. Roses are disassembled into petals, each of which is attached to a glass leaf with a special glue. Glue for live plants, 233 rubles. (Green Line Company).

  • Photo 1. Both garlands are combined and suspended to the chandelier with the help of a wire.
  • Photo 2. Postcards with romantic messages are attached to the garland of feathers with decorative clothespins.
  • Photo 3. The postcard attached to the garland will help to tell about your feelings. Postcard, 60 rub.; clothespin with a heart, 15 rubles. (all - "Studio Flowers 55").

Flower compositions with ranunculus

  • Photo 1. Oasis (floral sponge) is soaked in water, then cut at the edges and placed in a vase. Oasis, 50 rubles. for the brick.
  • Photo 2. Bilberry stems are neatly trimmed with a pruner to approximately equal length. The cut should be slightly bevelled.
  • Photo 3. Blueberry is inserted into the oasis, distributing at the edges of the vase. Several stems are located in the center of the oasis.

  • Photo 1-3. Following the blueberry, the leaves of some pot plant are inserted into the oasis (in this case, Kalanchoe was used). Eucalyptus stems are added to the composition. "Green base" of the bouquet should be evenly distributed over the oasis.

  • Photo 1, 2. The following are in order - ranunculus. They are pruned so that the stems are of different heights, and also inserted into the oasis. The position of these colors in the composition is not clearly defined. We just need to remember that lower flowers are put closer to the edge.
  • Photo 3. Blue gravel is poured into the finished composition. He should only peep through the greens. Gravel, 350 rub. for the bank.

  • Photo 1. The composition is wrapped with a garland of red feathers to match the ranunculus. Vase-bowl, 350 rubles, (“Studio of Flowers 55”).
  • Photo 2. The second bouquet is made in a similar way, only ranunculus are used not only in red, but also white, which noticeably enlivens the composition. Pillow Moltex, 450 rubles.; blue "diamond", 500 rub.
  • Photo 3. Frogs are not just a pair of charming statuettes, they are also original mini-boxes. By the way, each of them can hold in itself only one ringlet. Frog box, 3500 rub., (“Studio of Flowers 55”).

Angel Ring Napkin Ring

  • Photo 1. To decorate the napkin, a blue cord, red ribbon, feather and clothespin are taken. As the napkin rings, ordinary baking molds resembling angels are used. Cookie cutter, 45 rubles; napkin, 149 rubles.
  • Photo 2. A napkin, folded in half, neatly folded and wrapped with a blue cord. Ribbons, laces, 300-400 rubles. per pack.
  • Photo 3. First of all, the angels are tied with red bows made of satin ribbons.

  • Photo 1. Drawstring is fixed with a small decorative clothespins.
  • Photo 2. It remains to insert the napkin into the angel ring and put it on the plate.
  • Photo 3. Table setting for a romantic dessert dinner is ready! It remains only to decide on the most important and take the first step towards creating something more, perhaps even the most important in life. Spoon, 98 rub.; plate Casa city plate, Stockmann, 198 rub .; cup, 350 rubles ("Studio Flowers 55").

Addresses and phone numbers

Green Line

  • Agricultural street, 35, t .: (495) 783-7101

"Gardens of El Salvador"

  • Nikitsky Boulevard, 25, t: (495) 290-6111
  • Earthen mound, 32, t: (495) 916-0816

"Studio Flowers 55"

  • Rublevo-Uspenskoe shosse, 55, Razdory, t .: (495) 635-8810, 635-8816
  • St. Baltschug, 5, t: (495) 229-0209

