On the street
Removing Stains from ClothesGrass Stains on Light Colored Clothesand woolen fabrics are rubbed with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and protein. After an hour, wash in warm water. Light grass stains can be removed immediately if you wash the items with soapy water and a little ammonia. Grass stains on delicate fabrics are removed by wetting them with pure alcohol. Oil paint stains are removed with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil. Then rinse in warm water with the addition of dishwashing liquid. An old-fashioned method that was once used for all fabrics is a mixture of gasoline and acetone. Rust stains can be removed from any fabric with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The area soaked in juice is ironed with a hot iron through the fabric, then wiped again with a cotton swab soaked in juice and rinsed with warm water. Will help and. The stained area of the fabric is immersed in the solution for 5 minutes, then rinsed in warm water with ammonia added. Rust easily comes off synthetic fabrics during washing in warm water with washing powder. Soot and carbon stains are removed with a cotton swab soaked in turpentine. A fresh stain can be washed with soap. A joke on the topic Oil paint stains will not be so noticeable on your clothes if you never wear them again. Resin. Water is powerless here. First, you need to thoroughly scrape off the resin. Then treat the stain with turpentine oil, alcohol, acetone or gasoline, then wash. Flower pollen. Blot with alcohol, wash off with regular washing powder, repeat with bleach if necessary. Do not rush to remove splashes of street dirt right away. Let the stains dry, then brush them off with a stiff brush.
- Cleaning with WDay.ru: 40 articles on how to tame cleanliness