Any acquisitions are the result of some effort.and the time spent. And the acquisition of real estate requires many years of life and a lot of effort and money. Real estate is the basis of our well-being, and without this basis, everything else, including movable property, some deposits and securities, partly loses its meaning. All this fully applies to country houses and plots of land. But they can suffer for various reasons and as a result of the actions of others, especially if they are left unattended for a long time by the owners. And such cases are not at all uncommon, since the owners are usually unable to tear themselves away from city affairs and are forced to leave their country houses, sometimes for a long time. At the same time, you can install an alarm, hire a watchman, ask neighbors to look after the house - such measures are justified and permissible. But they will not solve all the problems, because the signal sometimes arrives too late, the watchman can fall asleep, and the neighbors are also people, they also sometimes need to go to the city. What's the best way out? Insurance, of course. And not only houses and property. There are a lot of types of insurance, and we will talk about some of them in this article. Any suburban life begins with the choice of a land plot. While the site is empty, virgin, it seems: what is there to insure? What in general can happen to this clearing on the bank of the river? Alas, maybe, and such that later life will not be a joy. A quiet and calm river during a spill can flood the site, and the water in it will be poisoned by the effluent from the enterprise located upstream. Trees on the site can be engulfed in forest fires or hurricane winds. The ground can sink, etc. Someone will object: after all, a meteorite can fall or, say, the first stage of the Proton rocket! So what, and insure against the fall of heavenly bodies ?! We answer: there are regions where it makes sense to insure even against the fall of rocket stages. It is necessary to insure the land against possible risks. An enterprise, even located quite far from the site, is a risk. And a flood river nearby is also a risk that should be taken into account. Under the insurance contract, the property interests of the policyholder associated with the risk of damage to the land plot as a result of fire, lightning strike, gas explosion, failure of water supply, sewage, heating systems, natural disasters (earthquakes, landslides, soil subsidence, floods, etc.) can be insured. ), as well as a number of other risks. Insurance conditions in this case are very flexible, and insurance rates range from 0.3 to 1.7% of the cost of the site.

At the first stage

Using the example of plot insurance, we showed that“To lay the straw” should be in advance. One way is title insurance, which deals with legal risks during and after the transaction. Any real estate transactions are at risk. When purchasing a country house, the buyer may encounter various kinds of mistakes in conducting previous transactions for the alienation of property, and sometimes with the seller’s fraud. As a result, no wonder and lose the right of ownership. And the money has already been spent (and a lot of money!), And sometimes it is extremely difficult or even impossible to return it. In such cases, property insurance in case of loss as a result of termination of property rights - title insurance is an effective protection for the property owner. The subject of title insurance is the ownership of suburban real estate, as well as land. The object of insurance is the property interests of the insured (owner) associated with the possession, use and disposal of immovable property. An insured event is the loss by the insured of the insured property as a result of the loss of ownership of this property on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force. Insurance of property rights in transactions with suburban real estate protects the new owner from possible claims of the former owners, whose rights could be violated during past transactions with the object. This type of insurance is relatively new for the Russian insurance market, and its relevance depends on the enlightenment of the owners of suburban real estate. Initially, this service was almost not in demand, but by now more and more market participants understand its necessity. Insurance at the construction stage is more obvious to owners. The house has not yet been built, it exists only in the form of working drawings, but building materials have already been delivered to the site, machinery stands there, temporary housing for workers has been organized. And sometimes the rather expensive components of future cottages literally evaporate on one of the dark nights, and their trail is lost in the dim distance. Here, even the watchman can not always help, he is always a man, and a man (even if he is a man with a gun) can be neutralized in one way or another. A more effective way is to conclude an insurance contract for the construction period. In this case, the damage caused by the attackers will be compensated by the insurance company. And you need to insure not only the risk of attack of criminal elements. During construction, welding works are underway, powerful electric tools are used, which are connected with the help of various air vents and extension cords. And it is always fraught with a short circuit, as a result - a fire, and everything that was built, as well as equipment and materials, is devoured by fire. When a plot is freed from old trees, mighty trunks, it happens, fall on an unfinished house. Sometimes it contributes to the general damage and the "human factor", namely: the construction team hired by you. As a result of improper or prohibited by the regulations of the actions of the builders may suffer and your property, and real estate neighbors. So if the construction is in dangerous proximity to other properties, it makes sense to take this into account. In some cases there is a reason to insure the equipment working at the site from breakage or theft. In addition, if materials or equipment were supplied from abroad due to the border, it is better to include insurance and costly transportation, along with customs duties. In general, all this should be initiated by the contractor, and not hinder or dismiss insurance offers at the stage of building a house. A serious construction company, as a rule, tries to conclude a professional liability insurance contract during construction and installation work. It also happens that during the construction of a country house, “higher forces” in the person of the local administration intervene. Perhaps the authorities have their own views on this territory, or, say, they are not satisfied with the type of object under construction. Then the administrative authorities may suspend construction work, and you will incur losses and lose valuable time. Therefore, if there is no harmony in relations with the authorities, but on the contrary, there are complications, it is better to insure against the arbitrariness of the officials. If your partner in the transaction is not reliable enough, for example, he faces bankruptcy, and you really want to make a deal, such an event can also be included in the insurance contract.

When the house is ready

In most cases, according to experts,more profitable to purchase a full package of risks. Often it is cheaper than selected insurance separately. Ready-made new house with an equipped plot - objects of increased risk. Thieves and first of all pay attention to him, and in this case any technical or natural hazards bring the greatest harm. Statistics claim that the main damage to suburban real estate is caused by fires and thefts - this is about two thirds of the total number of insured events. But other factors make a significant contribution. It happens that because of the frosty heaving, the ground sank somewhere, then the foundation followed, and now the walls have cracked, and the doors and windows start to jam and warp. Again, everyone wants to build near water bodies, although some of them are bottled in the spring and can easily flood the basement. There are a number of potential technical risks, in particular the explosion of domestic gas. Any insurance company offers customers a basic package of insurance services, involving the payment of compensation for damage to a country house for a whole list of reasons. Should I agree to the whole list? Not necessarily because some risks are never realized. The owner of the suburban real estate can choose at his discretion not only certain types of risks, but also objects that he wants to secure. There are two types of home insurance contracts: without outbuildings and with all the “infrastructure”: bath, greenhouse, garage, etc. When concluding a contract for both parties, it is important to correctly determine the market value of the buildings. It is necessary to invite an appraiser. The insurance rate for insurance of a country house depends on the type of house, on the mode of residence, on the environment and protection of the house, on the remoteness of the fire station and the fire reservoir, etc. Also, insurance covers damage to property as a result of fire and suppression measures. natural disasters, falling foreign objects (usually trees), lightning strikes, gas explosions, and electrical appliances accidents. Property in the house also makes sense to insure. This is a fairly popular type of insurance, since thefts and robberies occur even in protected cottage settlements. In addition, damage to household property can be caused due to a water supply accident, sewage breakthrough and a number of other household disasters. At the same time suffer furniture, hardwood floors, expensive wallpaper. And since a country house is often left unattended (and the systems work!), There is a reason to take into account such a risk. In conclusion, it must be recalled that a homeowner who has decided to insure a house, property and building materials, first of all, should choose a reliable insurance partner. After all, only then can we count on payments in the stipulated time frame and in due amount. It is necessary to take into account the duration of the insurance company in the market, openness of activity data, solvency and financial stability. It makes sense to track the place of the company in professional ratings and ask about the terms of its business partners. Only after analyzing the comprehensive information about the insurance company can you enter into a partnership with it. Opinion specialist Acquisition of suburban real estate - it is always an investment of large funds. However, the risk of fire or theft of property is very high, especially when the house is left unattended. Therefore, insurance of even summer houses in gardening is gradually becoming the norm, not to mention cottages worth 30-50 thousand dollars and more expensive. Insurance is one of the main tools to protect the financial interests of the property owner. Currently, insurance companies are ready to offer a very wide range of insurance services for suburban real estate for various categories of the population. For owners of country houses, insurance programs are suitable without inspection - to conclude a contract, you only need to fill out a questionnaire, specify the insurance amount and pay the insurance premium. Country houses worth more than 300 thousand rubles are better to insure with a tour: call an agent who will help you correctly draw up an insurance contract, discuss all the nuances and offer the most favorable conditions. The insurance policy protects the house from fire, lightning, gas explosions, natural disasters, falling trees, illegal actions of third parties and other troubles. It is advisable to insure a country house at full value, so that the compensation corresponds to the market value of the object. It would be useful to think about the protection of household property - household appliances, audio and video equipment, expensive furniture and other valuable items. It is possible to insure property against theft and other risks when concluding a home insurance contract. Alexander SOKOLOV, Leading Specialist, Russian World Insurance Company Property Insurance Center

