Recipes for light dishesYou survived, installeddiet and even stopped eating after seven. But these changes are incredibly difficult for you: the body cannot get used to the new way of life. What to do in such cases? Refuse to eat outright? Not the best option. In her book "The Easy Way to Slimness. Lose Weight Forever!" nutritionist Margarita Koroleva recommends: "Hunger" is stress for the body. Therefore, there is no need to torture yourself. Start with a cup of weak green tea and a teaspoon of honey. Dissolve the honey, this will increase your blood glucose level and the feeling of hunger will disappear, in addition, after drinking the tea, you will understand that you do not want to eat, it was thirst that was pretending to be hungry. If honey and tea did not help, slowly, with a teaspoon, eat a glass of low-fat kefir or just as slowly - half a grapefruit. You can eat some berries. Just do it all very slowly, stretch out the process over time. If you drink a glass of kefir in one gulp, the feeling of hunger will not be dulled. Therefore, savor every spoonful, every piece. Enjoy the taste of the product. Give the body a chance to get satisfaction from a small amount of food before you eat the whole portion. This is very important. You should never starve. You need to lose weight comfortably! Using these secrets and choosing the right and healthy snack options, you can cope with the feeling of hunger without harming your figure.
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