Furniture - minimum

The space of the childChild's space- The more openspace in the newborn's room, the better, "said the family psychologist Irina Vshivkova. - There should not be a lot of furniture in the nursery. The main bedroom background, like the color of the furniture, should be calm, pastel colors. Bright spots in the room for the baby should not be much - one or two toys above the cradle. And the colors should be clean, not mixed - red, blue, green, etc. The main thing that in the children's room there is no chaotic mixture of colors.


Preparing the nursery for the appearance of the child, remove from there all the flowers, carpets, heavy curtains - any dust collectors, so as not to provoke the baby allergies. This situation will be convenient for both mom and baby.1. The changing chest. Over time, the swaddling board and an anatomic tray (for lying down) can be removed, turning the dresser into a regular one. As a rule, it is equipped with not so many boxes. They can accommodate diapers and diapers. Therefore, the second chest of drawers does not interfere. It is convenient to accommodate baby's clothes, various medicines, toys, other trifles. 2. A cot on wheels (the cradle, by the way, can be mounted directly into it). Obligatory special soft sides, which protect from drafts and accidental shocks. The walls of the crib must be lowered during the change of clothes. It is best that she has several (two to five) positions of height. The mattress on the crib must necessarily be rigid - orthopedic! 3. Wardrobe. The child should have a separate clean locker for storing clothes and bed linen. It will be especially necessary afterwards. And in the first months there will be enough shelves in the closet of the parents.

On a note

Which lamps are more useful for a babyillumination is very important. It is best if the top light is uniform. If it is directed only from one side, shift the child more often so that he sees it differently. Otherwise, the baby may develop a curvature of the neck due to constant looking in one direction. In addition to the top light, there must be another floor lamp, night lamp or sconce. The best variant of its location is above the changing table. It will be convenient for both mother and pediatrician.

The opinion of the young mother

"The main thing - a table at hand" - Cradle - mya dream, "- shared with us a young mother, and part-time correspondent" KP "Alexander Kuchuk. - I especially like wicker rattan models. Absolutely bacon variant! And very cozy and comfortable for the little one and Mom. It is a pity that in a couple of months the baby will grow out of this miracle and have to put it somewhere. So we immediately confined ourselves to a crib. The changing chest did not have time to buy. They went about changing the board, which is put on the bed. The cot at us costs far away from the battery, a draft, electrodevices. Side by side - a small table with two table tops: top and bottom. Dowry we do not have much, so we have enough. But ideally, you need a chest of drawers for things. Shades - warm - Infants best distinguish between green and blue shades, - says the pediatrician Eugene Timakov. - Therefore, the optimal color for the design of children's (or bed linen) - greenish. It is calm and warm, while the blue one is cold and quite alarming. In addition, the room can be decorated in warm yellow or orange tones. Only not bright, but rather pastel. Or buy such linen for the baby. Virtually the obligatory attribute of a child is an air humidifier, especially in winter, when the batteries dry the air. Only to put it it is necessary not at a cradle, and, for example, at a window.

