Beef or porkWhite bread is the championessential minerals: calcium, iron, B vitamins. Butter is an almost irreplaceable source of vitamin D. Two thinly spread sandwiches a day are not capable of clogging blood vessels with cholesterol, but will also provide the body with healing antioxidants. Ice cream, according to nutritionists, is the best dessert. Unlike cakes or pastries, it is digested slowly, gradually saturating the blood with sugar. Creme brulee or ice cream are much safer for the figure than all other sweets. Many people who want to lose weight give up red meat in favor of white meat, not even suspecting that lean pork or beef is not much higher in calories than chicken and contains less fat. Even a hundred grams of chicken fed with corn contains 100 grams of sugar. 129 calories and 4.8 grams of fat. A piece of lean beef of the same weight contains 135 calories and only 4.5 grams of fat. In addition, compared to chicken, beef contains three times more iron, which raises the tone, and almost four times more zinc, which is necessary for immunity. And finally, shashlik. This method of cooking meat removes excess fat, but it should be marinated not in vinegar, but in kefir, lemon juice or wine. A standard portion of lamb shashlik contains 232 calories and 6 grams of fat (less than the same portion of chicken shashlik), as well as a set of useful minerals, including iron. And it is recommended to eat it without mayonnaise or sauce. Based on materials from The Times.