Britney Spears 3Britney Spears 3.The singer finally got out of a long career lull and once again pleases her fans with good news. This time the reason for the celebration was the news that Britney Spears' new single "3" in the very first days after the release took the top of the prestigious Billboard Hot-100 music chart. for a star, this is the third time in her career - previously, only the hits “Baby One More Time” and “Womanizer” have “climbed” so high. Britney has another reason to rejoice at her success - the song “3” became the musician's first debut top 100 single , who has never participated in the American Idol show (analogue in Russia - "Star Factory") over the past 11 years. "3" is part of Britney's new collection of singles, which is slated for release on November 10th. Although rumor has it that the video for the album will appear before the album itself. “I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful fan base. I really hope that you enjoy my work, because I am doing it for you, ”says the pop princess.

