The best tanning productsBest Tanning ProductsFirst of all, you should pay attention to they stimulate the production of melanin - the substance that gives our skin a golden hue. Beta-carotene is generally considered one of the most powerful natural tanning agents: it is found most of all in red-orange vegetables and fruits, namely watermelons, peaches, apricots, carrots, melons, eggs, olive oil and fish. Of all this set of products, the most miraculous properties are attributed to carrot and apricot juices, and they really make the tan brighter, but the most important thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the skin will acquire a yellowish tint or, even worse, tan unevenly. The recommended dose is one glass of juice a day a few hours before sunbathing (not right on the beach!). But it is best to take a melon with you to the beach: not only is there a lot of the same beta-carotene in it, but also a huge amount of potassium, sodium and magnesium, the deficit of which must be replenished. these trace elements leave the body along with sweat. The juicy pulp of the melon will also serve as an excellent remedy against dehydration of the body, which has been drained for hours by direct sunlight. Substances such as tyrosine (an amino acid fromwhich forms a dark pigment), calcium and vitamin C also speed up the tanning process: there are many of them in cheese and cottage cheese, as well as in animal products: meat and fish (tuna, cod). Accelerate the production of melanin and vitamin C (tyrosine turns into melanin just in the presence of this vitamin), so you can lean on fresh berries and citrus fruits, only citrus fruits should be consumed some time before going outside to avoid photoallergic reactions: fruit juice, joining contact with sunlight, can leave ugly red-brown spots on the skin. Contribute to the production of melanin and foods rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin E (dairy products, nuts): they help your skin to protect against the harmful effects of sunlight and drying the skin. If you are planning a long beach holiday, bring with you an odorous tangerine (tangerine) oil: a drop of oil added to a glass of juice (which is best to drink a few hours before going to the beach, because the oil is phototoxic) will protect your skin from burns and pigment spots.Food on the beachhalf an hour after a heavy meal, and with them you must take a bottle of clean drinking water so that neither the skin nor the body will experience water starvation, being in the rays of the scorching sun. But alcoholic drinks on the beach should be denied - firstly, you will get drunk faster than usual, and secondly, you will slow down the production of melanin, which will affect the quality of tanning. Food products from burns Do not neglect the "grandmother's" means in the fight against sunburns - sour cream, kefir, yogurt will relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and pleasant coolness will relax damaged skin, especially if you have fever. In countries where such fermented milk products cannot be found, ordinary natural yogurts will save you, which will help no worse than expensive anti-tan products.

