Who is the head in this house?

Star ApartmentsStar ApartmentsCorner sofa in the living room, the company "Tseh". Wooden chandeliers, Cellini.Corner sofa in the living room, Tsekh company.Wooden chandeliers, Cellini. If Russian girls have role models, then, of course, one of the first places is occupied by the singer and actress Zhanna Friske. Beautiful, successful, energetic ... Besides, she confidently carries the difficult title of a sex symbol. For a year now, she acquired her own house, and before that she had been wandering around in rented apartments for many years. “Maybe that’s why I didn’t understand people who spend hours choosing curtains and then pulling them on themselves from abroad, or waiting for six months for some designer chair that floats to them from the other end of the world,” the singer admits. Everything changed at the moment when Zhanna bought an apartment in a new building in the center of Moscow. The acquisition looked the way almost all new buildings look today - 90 square meters of clean concrete. Soon a designer appeared in the house, who confidently declared: "A fashionable singer must live in a fashionable way!" And it was sold! Semicircular walls, glass partitions ... In general, "welcome to the future." “I have done my job, now you will decorate everything here (!?) A little”, - with these words the designer took his leave. And on the threshold appeared the decorator Irina Apenyanskaya. "How beautiful!" These two words were said by everyone who visited Zhanna's apartment: friends, colleagues, girlfriends from the "Brilliant" group ... But the most valuable thing for her was the approval of her dad.

