"Palace" decor

Columns, pilasters, arches and other elements,inherent to the Baroque and Empire styles, look ridiculous and often even vulgar. After all, for such "ceremonial splendor" you need at least 100 square meters, and in ordinary real dimensions with low ceilings it smacks of museum archaism and bad taste.Photo: Getty Images

Multilevel ceilings

Ah, these waves with a glossy surface andfancy lighting! Once upon a time, everyone wanted to have something like this in their apartment, not paying attention to the fact that in ordinary houses the ceilings are too low and such a "designer's fantasy" created the feeling that you could easily hit your head on the ceiling if you suddenly looked at this magnificence. In fact, experts advise opting for simple stretch ceilings - both stylish and will not eat up extra centimeters.

Stucco molding

Another decorative element that brings inhorror of all experts. In fact, stucco is appropriate, but only in truly luxurious interiors, the area of ​​which exceeds the standard dimensional apartment. And for all other apartments, such an element is taboo, stucco will visually make the ceiling low and create a feeling of tightness. In addition, such a noble element does not tolerate the proximity of cheap furniture and minimalism, so you should not experiment with stucco in ordinary Khrushchev-era apartments.

Decorative fireplace

This element is quite justified in suburban areas.houses, where it fits harmoniously into the atmosphere. But in ordinary apartments, a fireplace visually reduces the space, and the proximity to cheap furniture or accessories can generally spoil the positive impression of the owner and the home itself.

Mirrors and glossy surfaces

No, of course, in moderate quantities, shinyglossy surfaces can increase the space in a small studio apartment, but an abundance of mirrors and gloss in an ordinary apartment can turn even the most decent renovation into something like "Alice in Wonderland", where, as designers claim, it is quite possible to go crazy. "Golden" urinals and silver floors can also be included here. Experts urge to get rid of everything that can be conditionally classified as "expensive and rich", and not to turn your home into a designer's nightmare.

Gold Materials

Returning to shiny expensive metals,I would like to highlight the textures that claim to be "expensive and rich". Gilding, mother-of-pearl, brocade fabrics, crystal - in the opinion of many, this looks impressive and speaks of good wealth. In fact, the market is overflowing with such cheap imitations, and designers unanimously insist that wallpaper with glitter and other flashy elements should not only not be dragged into the house, but also avoided.

Lambruck and multi-tiered curtains

"Elite" curtains or "elegant designer""solutions" actually have nothing in common with rich drapery and are often made of the cheapest fabrics. Therefore, they look vulgar and make even the most stylish interior look cheap. In fact, designers advise leaving all these theater curtains in the past and replacing them with ordinary modern models.


It's not clear who even came up with this ideaWaterfalls and various fountains in an apartment – ​​is it fashionable and relevant? In fact, in ordinary apartments such tropical oases look at least stupid and do not fit into any feng shui!

Filling 3D floor

The desire of a certain part of the ownersapartments to give their premises a unique look forces them to pay attention to the original floors, which for some reason our people have suddenly become so fond of in recent years. This floor is a polymer filling of a decorative image, which after hardening forms a continuous coating without seams. And now imagine how “wonderful” dolphins looking out of the sea depths in your bathroom, or other delights that make the interior cheap and comical.

Souvenirs and other exotic

No, magnets that you or your friendsare brought from different countries, they look very nice on the refrigerator, but you need to know your limits. But other attributes clutter up the apartment and turn it from a living space into a warehouse of goods, where Africa, Vietnam or Turkey are located next door.

Reproductions of masterpieces of world art

That reproductions of famous paintings andsculptures are often of poor quality and have nothing to do with art at all, many are not bothered by this, and they continue to furnish their apartments with such “fakes”, which, alas, show bad taste and do not add zest to the interior.

Horns, skins and Ancient Greece

The attributes of a real hunter are appropriate only incountry house and if the rest of the interior is decorated accordingly. In a regular apartment, all these horns, skins and stuffed animals look ridiculous and are a great dust collector, which leads to allergies or asthma. Lovers of Greco-Roman elements should also think about the fact that all this "antiquity" belongs in a museum, but not in your apartment.

Home bar

In fact, having several elite houses at homecopies is not shameful and even interesting to some extent. However, you should not give all the free surfaces to your favorite collection, turning your apartment into a kind of bar.

Folk ornament

There is nothing more stupid than when the so-calledexperts advise to replace a regular toilet with its glossy counterpart, decorated with Gzhel or Khokhloma. The same applies to the bathtub or sink itself. And what if you add similar wallpaper or tiles there?! It looks so ridiculous that it causes nothing but a desire to leave this room and never return there again.

