Mike Tyson

Photo:Getty Images "You might be surprised that I'm a vegetarian?" - says Tyson. Yes, Mike, looking at you, people think that you eat steaks with blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But, contrary to popular belief, the famous boxer does not need to be in shape. But, by the way, Mike is the owner of world records that no one has managed to beat so far. In order to give up meat, the athlete was inspired by his love for pigeons. Yes, it's hard to eat those you love! Tyson believes that these birds have the largest heart, and protecting the pigeons, the boxer first got involved in a fight. A new lifestyle led Tyson to new ideas for him. He was so imbued with the philosophy of vegetarianism that he created his own project on AnimalPlanet.Is it hard to imagine that this same guy who bit off his rivals' ears and threatened to eat their children for dinner? Now Mike has a "simpler" meal - vegetable salad and smoothies. However, in addition to the beautiful version of coming to vegetarianism, Tyson had much more tragic motives to rethink his life. After leaving professional boxing, he put on weight from 98 kg to 160, and soon his four-year-old daughter died tragically. “I didn’t want to live, I felt that I was dying - both mentally and physically,” the boxer admitted to Oprah Winfrey. As the boxer claims, vegetarianism literally breathed life into him, and also turned to other values: “I don’t want nothing else to make me angry. No meat. I want to be a good person, and being a good person is much more difficult than a good boxer. ”By the way, another athlete, famous bodybuilder Bill Pearl, did not eat meat or fish to“ build ”his body, which, by the way, became a real legend ... Only the title "Mr. Universe" was awarded to him several times. Bill is the author of six books on bodybuilding and fitness. Pearl suggests replacing the protein in meat with pulses, dairy products and eggs: “People believe that meat and fish are the basis for building muscle. I took and smashed this myth. "

Paul McCartney

A photo: Getty ImagesPol is probably one of the most famous vegetarians among celebrities. He was the one who said: “If there were glass walls in meat-packing plants, everyone would become vegetarians”. Together with his wife Linda, he has been practicing vegetarianism for the third decade. "Do not eat anything that can not move" - ​​this is the motto of the musician. Abandoning the meat Paul and Linda helped the case. They had lunch at a farm in Scotland. For lunch there was a lamb, and just the same lambs grazed nearby. The mating so impressed the couple that they decided to abandon the meat. Afterwards, they made a comparison and found out that the protein needed by the body is not only in meat. - So I ate all my life. When we became vegetarians, Linda gradually began replacing meat dishes with cheese or spaghetti pies. She also invented various vegetarian dishes. Soon we stopped noticing that we did not eat meat. After some time, we found that a large number of vegetarian dishes were sold in supermarkets, ready to eat. Since then, we have not had any problems what to cook for lunch. We just eat, for example, vegetarian sausages with tomato and egg seasoning. ”

Brad Pitt

Photo: Getty Images The actor is totally against meat. By the way, but his legitimate wife Angelina is not averse to feast on beefsteak. Because of this, there are even disputes in the family - the actress says that she was a vegetarian and this almost killed her. “I didn't get enough food,” says Jolie. But Brad is firmly on his own - they say that he can not even watch how someone eats meat products. In general, the spirit can not stand it. As for the education of children, the couple does not adhere to a single "meat" policy By the way, perhaps it was vegetarianism that inspired Pitt to cook - the actor began experimenting in the kitchen. Still, when the wife is a meat eater! For example, Jamie Oliver, a famous British chef, taught his friend Brad several recipes, of course, vegetarian.

Natalie Portman

A photo: Getty Images The girl became a vegetarian when she was 8 years old. The reason for this was a kind of injury. At this young age, the future star saw a demonstration of a surgical laser on a chicken during a medical conference, which she attended with her father. Since then, Natalie has stopped eating meat, and with age has refused all animal products. This means that Portman is a strict vegetarian, that is, a vegan. The actress made an exception only during pregnancy - and then she began to eat only eggs and butter. The artist explained this by the fact that she felt that these products are necessary for the child. Natalie fights for animal rights in other ways: she does not wear leather and fur and even released her own collection of clothes from artificial materials. By the way, the popular actress is the owner of not only Oscar, but also a bachelor's degree in psychology from Harvard University.

Jared Leto

A photo: Getty Images In their years, the actor and musician looks about 30 years old. Well, see for yourself! Maybe genes, and maybe the fact that for more than 20 years he has been a strict vegan. By the way, Jared himself sees the reason for his unfading beauty in a healthy lifestyle. And even alcohol is not about him! As the actor says, he has many flaws, but not love for alcohol. “There was a time when we sacrificed goats before the show, but since all members of the 30 Seconds to Mars group became vegans, we replaced them with tofu,” says Leto. By the way, PETA, the world's largest animal protection organization, recognized the actor as the sexiest vegetarian in the world. It is interesting that in order to get used to the role in the Alexander film, the actor agreed to eat tuna for a while.

Leonardo DiCaprio

A photo: Getty Images A Hollywood actor has long been famous for his actions in support of animals - he founded the International Fund for Animal Welfare. And Leo's case supports not only millions, but also his own example DiCaprio is a vegetarian. According to his confession, since childhood he loved animals, and all the torment over them caused him deep compassion. Leo grew up and nothing has changed - now he is one of the most ardent defenders of animals. By the way, out of his love for living beings, the actor wanted to become an oceanographer, but apparently he understood in time that only Hollywood fees would bring real help, and he became an actor. However, Leonardo also managed to make documentary films about the environmental problems - “Global Warning” and “Planet of Water”. The artist also purchased an island in the Caribbean off the coast of Belize to create an eco-resort there. On this island of 42 hectares, Leonardo will build villas with individual beaches for rich ecotourism lovers who want to escape from the city noise and be alone with the paradise nature. The motto of the actor in life - "In life there is something that is more important than me."


A photo: Getty Images A famous musician claims to be a vegetarian since the 1980s. “You could look the animal in the eyes and tell him:“ My appetite is more important than your suffering? ”Says Mobi. By the way, he does not condemn meat eaters, but, unlike other well-known ideas, he very convincingly explains his choice. For example, Mobi even made a list of reasons why he is a vegetarian. Here are a few of them. I love animals and am convinced that a vegetarian diet reduces their suffering. Animals are sensitive creatures with their own will and desires; therefore, it is extremely unjust to subject them to violence only because we can do it. Medicine has accumulated enough evidence to show that a diet focused on animal products has a negative effect on human health. As it has been repeatedly proven, it contributes to the appearance of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, causes obesity, impotence, diabetes, etc. A vegetarian diet is more cost effective than an animal based diet. By this I mean the fact that you can feed more people with simple grain than by feeding the same grain to livestock and then, after slaughtering the livestock, feed them with meat. In a world where a mass of people are still dying of hunger, it is criminal to use grain to fatten livestock, and not to save the lives of the hungry.5. Fattening livestock on farms causes significant harm to the environment. So, waste from farms often get into sewage, poisoning drinking water and polluting nearby reservoirs - lakes, rivers, streams and even seas.

Thomas Edison

Photo: Getty Images Yes, and he. By the way, the ingenious American inventor is the author of 1093 patents in the USA and 3000 in other countries, not a single person received this amount anymore. The scientist explained his position as follows: "I am a vegetarian and an opponent of alcohol because I can find a better use for my mind."

Leonardo da Vinci

A photo: Getty Images You'd be surprised, but in the Middle Ages, meat-eating was not so common either. Leonardo da Vinci, for example, from childhood was a staunch vegetarian. “From an early age I avoided eating meat and believe that the time will come when people like me will look at killing an animal the way they are now looking at killing a human. If a person seeks freedom, why does he keep birds and animals in cages? Man is truly the king of the beasts, for he cruelly exterminates them. We live by killing others. We are walking cemeteries! ”- such an entry in the diaries of the artist and thinker has been preserved to this day.

Lev Tolstoy

A photo: Getty Images The writer became a vegetarian at the age of 50. The change of lifestyle in the first place was due to the fact that Tolstoy continued to engage in philosophical searches. By the way, it was during this period that “Anna Karenina” came out from under the pen of Lev Nikolayevich, in which the line of narration about morality and ethics of human relations is traced. The impetus for the refusal of meat, as often happens, was the case when Tolstoy visited the Tula massacre. What he saw so struck the writer that he subsequently could not forgive himself for a long time that he did not stop the butcher, who first killed a bull in his eyes, and then stripped his skin. The indelible impression on Tolstoy was made by the fact that after the murder the animal's body still throbbed, and the peas of tears rolled down from its eyes. Later, Lev Nikolaevich systematically studied the issue, and in his creative works he suggested that the meaning and basic principle of vegetarianism lies in the absence of any violence. “So, the large dining table of the Tolstoy family was divided into two halves. Eyewitnesses could observe the following picture. At the head of the table was Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, who did not share her views on vegetarianism. On the right hand of Sophia Andreevna, Lev Nikolayevich was sitting with those who did not eat meat. And on the other side of the table were vegetarian dishes. In the room of Sofia Andreevna, a little book has been preserved in which she wrote down the menu for the cook. Vegetarian dishes were as follows: cabbage soup, potato soup, various cereals - buckwheat, semolina, on mushroom broth or on milk. Oatmeal, as Tolstoy wrote in one of the letters on the subject of nutrition, he ate twice a day - hot oatmeal. Krupenik and stuffed head of cabbage, tomato salad, and dumplings with eggs, onion and rice are also present here, ”says L.N. Tolstoy Zinaida Mikhailovna Bogacheva.

