Growing HyacinthsLarge (more than 5 cm)The bulbs are planted in pots with soil prepared from equal parts peat and sand or soil and sand. 2/3 of the bulb is buried, 1/3 remains on the surface. The pots are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5-9°C for 2-4 months and . When the flower stalks develop, the pots with hyacinths are transferred to a light room. The first two or three days the pots should be covered with a dark cloth for several hours a day. The duration of flowering of plants depends on the air temperature, at 15-20°C it lasts 7-10 days.
Growing daffodilsLarge bulbs are soakedin very warm water (approximately 45°C) and kept for 4 hours. After this, they are planted in containers with soil so that the tops protrude above the surface by 1/2 cm. The spaces between the bulbs are filled with sand. Then the containers are placed in a cool room for 2-3 months, and the plants are watered once a week. When the sprouts reach a height of 10-15 cm, the pots are transferred to a dark, cool room (no higher than 10°C). After two days, the flowers are exposed to light and watered. Flowering will occur in 2-3 weeks.
Only bulbs of the class are suitable for forcing.«extra» – large and of regular shape. The bulbs are freed from dry scales and planted in a mixture of sand and soil (1:1) 3-5 pieces per pot. The bulbs should sit tightly in the pot, but not touch each other, the thickness of the soil under them is at least 8-10 cm, on top - a layer of soil about 2.5 cm. Do not forget to water! Store the plants in a humid, dark and cool room (5-9-C) for about 10 weeks. Make sure that the soil remains moist: you can cover the container with a bag, periodically removing it to ventilate the bulbs. When the shoots reach a height of 5-6 cm, the flowers are transferred to a warm room (20°C). For the first few days, the shoots are covered with paper caps so that the stems stretch out a little. When the caps are removed, the tulips will need additional illumination for 3-5 hours using a fluorescent lamp. The shoots require regular watering. When the buds become colored, the container is moved to a cold window - this will prolong flowering.
At the beginning of November, the corms are planted in a mixtureturf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1:1:0.5:0.5) and put in a dark, damp and cold place (the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will do). After 2 months, the sprouts will reach 2-3 cm, and the pots are transferred to a cold window (10-12°C), and after 3-5 days - into a room (20-22°C) and begin to water moderately. After 15-17 days, the first flowers will appear. Read more detailed instructions here.
Lilies of the valley
The rhizomes of lilies of the valley are dug up in the second halfOctober. Only flower buds are taken for forcing - they are sharp, with an awl. Selected lilies of the valley are placed in plastic bags and stored on a glazed balcony at a temperature of 1-3-C. Three weeks before the desired flowering period, lilies of the valley are planted in the ground. 10-15 sprouts are planted in a pot (10-13 cm in diameter). In order for the flower buds to actively and amicably begin to grow, the rhizomes are frozen in the snow for 24 hours before planting. Until the flower stalks appear, the pots are kept in a dark, warm (25-27-C) place. And when the sprouts appear, they are taken out into diffused light and the temperature is maintained at 16-18-C. To make lilies of the valley bloom as long as possible, after the first buds appear, they need to be moved to a cool room.
By the way, seeds and bulbs of fragrant freesia can also be planted for a whole year. How to grow on the window these beautiful flowers with the scent of lily of the valley, read here.