Let's make it clear right away that the choice of spring flowers is limited.the fact that most of the primroses sold by grandmothers on the streets are listed in the Red Book and their purchase (as well as their sale) can end in a hefty fine. Among the flowers protected by the state are snowdrops, hellebores, crocuses, violets, which usually come to us illegally from the Caucasus, Crimea and the Carpathians, as well as lilies of the valley. However, for those who still want to give their other half such a spring "exotic", there is a completely official option - large flower shops. They offer primroses grown in Holland. True, the price for such a bouquet starts from 5,000 rubles…Spring flowersSpring flowers


A modest bouquet of three hyacinths –a touching gift that a romantic young lady will appreciate. A potted hyacinth would be a better choice for an active, inquisitive person. It is so interesting to watch the flower develop. In addition, it will bloom longer in a pot than in a vase. That is why hyacinths are usually placed in a bouquet directly with the bulb. Keep in mind that hyacinths have a very strong, even stuffy smell. Therefore, if you are prone to headaches, take these flowers out of the room at night. Hyacinths are usually sold almost fully blossomed. Flowers stand in water for 7 days.

  • How to make primroses bloom on the window


Delicate freesia flowers come in a variety of colors, andTheir delicate aroma can be spicy, sweet or fruity depending on the variety. When buying, pay attention to the fact that only the first few flowers are open on the stem. Keep in mind that a stem with completely closed green buds will never "ripen". Freesia lasts from 4 to 8 days in a vase. To prevent the stem from rotting prematurely, there should be no more than 5 cm of water. Drying flowers are removed as they fade. To prolong the life of these beauties, you can add a little sugar to the water.

  • How to grow a freesia on the windowsill

