A photo: Sergey Dzhevahashvili- My husband Eduard and I have invented everything in our house. I can not even remember which year I finished building. I'm a leisurely person. I do not need it to be done once. I went shopping, I gradually chose everything, bought. Probably, it was necessary to erect a stone house, but we live in a city in a stone. And the tree still gives a different sense of space. So we stopped on it. Osobo glamor in the interior there. A natural summer residence, but with a certain charm, because often here I take friends at a big table in the living room. I can not live here all the time. From Moscow the villa is far away. To get there in time and slip through the traffic jams, you need to get out of here at five in the morning, and otherwise three hours will moo. True, the construction of the central ring road has now started, which may improve the situation, but because of it we have a dilemma. Stay here or move? We fled here from people, civilization, and suddenly she caught up with us. Eight lanes of road will be. I just wanted to fix something in the house, I'm an amateur to remodel. Now we froze in anticipation. Like cobra before the blow. We'll wait when the road appears, see how it affects the ecology, and we will decide. Now there are a lot of birds in the forest, moose sometimes go out, but what will happen next ...The Old Russian fireplace was the first that we built when we finished the house. Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Two hundred roses and a tree

"We have a large plot, as many as 50 acres." To walk, it is not necessary to go far. Here you can hide. Behind the fence is a mixed forest, and along its edges are solid birches. Sometimes the husband brings out old trees and chop wood. In the courtyard and a special house for firewood is. On the site of crocuses have already begun to rise, snowdrops have grown. Did not die even when the frost hit. I have flowers everywhere. First we made a winter garden in the house, but the glass was not properly laid out, there were cracks. As a result, when the cold started, they were strongly frozen together with flowers and remade. Now the garden was scattered all over the house. But the main pride is on the street. There are all my experiments, botanical delights. For example, recently I was in the "Aptekarsky garden" and found jasmine, which grows around, from which they made an arch. I'm trying to build the same in my yard. I also have about 200 roses, they smell incredible, trees, cedar, willow, viburnum. What is not.Canadian Christmas trees and cedar planted themselves. Next to them is our home dinosaur museum. They built it for my boys, because they were addicted to these animals and did not get out of this museum. In the wooden tent every spring there is a solemn display of dinosaurs on the shelves. Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

I dream of banish the TV

- I have some dislike for the corners, so inguest rounded wall. If an acute angle appears, I need to smooth it out, cover it up with something. Here is the chest of drawers, a little bit. And all in order to hide the corner. Probably, this is due to the fact that I am a non-conflict person. I need everything to be peaceful. I have a secret dream to drive someone else away - remove the TV from the living room. Because people come, especially children are small - my grandchildren are nine-year-old Nikita and seven-year-old Stepa, they start to look at him, eat while the spoon hangs somewhere in the middle. Distracts the TV, but everything is against its transfer. By the way, no matter how much I try to make the guests sit at the big dining table, they all gather behind the bar in the kitchen for some reason. Apparently, because you are sitting high, you look far. I like this place very much. And the grandchildren sit under the counter like.I have a friend-inventor Tolya Podarin. He helped with the interior design and proposed to build a guest bamboo in the guest walls. Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

I'm storing things with meaning

- In the house there are only those interior items,which I love. And everything that I do not like, I throw out. Honestly, I had an incredible amount of souvenirs on the shelves. But they collected so much dust that they dumped them in a huge box and put them in the pantry. I start to slowly distribute. I understand that I was happy with these little things and details, but now they are in my heart. Only behind the glass in the dresser were toys, figurines, which were given by mom, girlfriends. These things with meaning, they carry a special spirit. I leave them. I do the same with clothes. At me it basically is a lot of by virtue of work. There is one that is expensive, but I'm bored. I do not throw it out. Sasha Vasiliev (fashion historian, moderator of the "Fashionable sentence." - Antenna note) once said to me: "Arina, those things that you love, leave, fashion will return." And he is absolutely right. For them, I allocated a special case, which I store and store.

