Soap with coffee, and sea salt cleanses the skin andmakes it smooth, removes dead cells and tones, and most importantly - helps fight cellulite. How much can such a soap cost 100 rubles? 200? No, it's much cheaper - because it can be done at home. And it's very simple!Anti-cellulite soapTools:- 2 steel pots of this size so that one can be placed in the other for a "water bath" device - Grater for rubbing soap-Cups for soap and other ingredients- Steel spoons for stirring- Soap molds- Rubber gloves, gauze bandage for the face, goggles (suitable and sunscreen) Materials: - 2 bars of soap for 90 g (it is better to take baby soap) - 4 tbsp. l. olive oil - 100 ml of hot boiled water - 4 tbsp. l. coffee grounds - 3 tbsp. l. large sea salt (can be taken with some additives, for example). Preparation: 1. Prepare the ingredients, take away food away. Cover the table with a film, put on gloves, glasses and a mask. Children and animals from the kitchen are better to lead. Rub the soap into the shavings on a large grater. Glasses and a bandage are needed so that the soapy "dust" does not irritate the eyes and the respiratory tract. Place a large saucepan, half full with water, on the stove so that the water warms up. In the meantime, pour soapy chips into a small saucepan. Add the olive oil.
Anti-cellulite soap with your hands
3.Put a small saucepan with chips in a large saucepan with boiling water (carefully, make sure that the water from the pan does not pour out). Begin to stir the chips with a spoon, gradually pouring boiled hot water. It is better to stop slowly and add water a little bit, this will reduce the risk of lumps and the appearance of excess foam. If the lumps are still there, then you can mash them with potato slices. As a result, a homogeneous plastic mass should be obtained. From it you can dazzle the figures with hands and leave to dry - it will be funny, but still a normal soap, and we need a massage anti-cellulite, so do not stop.
4. Useful properties of soap will give coffee grounds and sea salt. Add them to the soap and mix well for at least 3 minutes.
5.Formochki grease with olive oil and put in them soap mass with your hands or a spoon, as it is tamped. Usually, the soap dries 2-3 days at room temperature, after which it is ready for use.
Soap can be used 2-3 times a week, more often -with oily skin, be careful - when dry and sensitive. Before you wash off the foam, massage the skin, and after shower, use a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream. Thank you for hosting the master class Galina Ryazanov ( Photo: Vera Monakhova