Family life turned into onesheer nightmare. Not only is the happy couple fighting for custody of their six children, so now there is a risk that they will lose their adopted sons, whom Brad and Angelina raised and raised as relatives. As an insider told RadarOnline, the biological mother of 13-year-old Paks soon out of prison and wants to return his son. And the parents of 15-year-old Maddox, who before adoption by a Hollywood couple was considered an orphan, may still be alive. - I am sure that Brad and Angie are very worried about this. From the first day, they were afraid that the biological parents of their foster children would one day appear on the horizon, ”said a source close to the Brangelina family.A photo: SplashNewsTo be the worst time for such news is impossible to imagine. Recall that Pax was only three years old when Jolie took him from an orphanage in Vietnam in 2007. Almost ten years have passed since then, and now Pax’s own mother wants to feel the happiness of motherhood again. “Usually, parents can return their children after being released,” the expert says. - Sometimes, if they are unable to support the child, the children remain in foster care. But it is very rare. The story with the adoption of Maddox turns into almost more tragedy. Angelina and Brad believed that Maddox’s parents, residents of Cambodia, had long died. But this fact was in doubt. It turns out that the agent intervening in the adoption of Maddox was arrested in the United States for violating the visa regime and laundering money during the adoption procedure. He was convicted of 800 scams with foster children! The criminal - Lorin Galindo - helped many families adopt "orphans" whose parents were in fact alive. Investigators involved in the Galindo case found out that Maddox’s mother sold her son to a fraudster for a hundred dollars. Galindo refuses to comment on Maddox and his parents. But investigators are sure: he was never a real orphan. And Brad and Angelina, according to an insider, are terrified of the prospect of losing two sons.

