Once the Englishwoman was a successful model. However, the years take their toll. Career Sharon completed. Together with the career ended and her marriage - they divorced from her husband. The mother of three children at first decided to fall into depression. Seized her than horrible, recovered. I also yearned for more. But then she managed to pull herself together. Again I lost weight - because the experience of how to keep myself in shape, she had plenty. Then I bought myself a cool Porsche Boxster. Noticed? All as men, when they are experiencing a crisis of middle age. But skating with the breeze seemed to her a little. A 51-year-old woman, mother of many children, decided to improve her appearance a little more. And I fell under the surgeon's knife - so that my chest, let's say, vzbodrit. After the surgery, Sharon was so thrilled with her new bust that she was not at all embarrassed by the fact that getting out of bed was very hard - the chest outweighed. And the fact that passers-by are poking their fingers and whispering, she only liked it.A photo: @ sharonp1965Said, the polastic operations are delaying. So Sharon decided not to stop there. She had already visited her plastic surgeon several times. Now she has the 32nd size! But this is not enough for her, I want more. Yes, that's just the doctors are already afraid of something else to add to it. That's what Sharon Perkins is looking for for such a specialist who will take a risk. To do this, even moved from Britain to Europe. According to Sharon, she is known here as "the British woman with the big boobs" (a British woman with big tits). Sharon's hat was finally taken when she met a new man. Her new boyfriend, Hungarian Carl Hamilton, is just delighted with Sharon and her bust. He calls his beloved breasts as his best friends. In the near future they are going to play a wedding. So, apparently, the size still matters. At least for this pair.
1/6 Photo: @sharonp1965 Photo: @sharonp1965 Photo:@sharonp1965Photo: @sharonp1965Photo: @sharonp1965Photo: @sharonp1965However, Sharon still has something to strive for. Now she is the proud owner of the title of "the largest fake bust in the UK". But she has a competitor, American Annie Hawkins-Turner. She has a 48th breast size. Wow? Oh yeah.