If you already put a stamp on my forehead"Rabid feminist", you are wrong. I am for the equal rights of men and women, yes. But I do not mind when a man holds the door, gives a hand when leaving the car or takes part in the education of children. That's the attitude to the children and I want to talk. More precisely, about the attitude in society to moms and dads. Item 1. Who to whom and how much should As soon as a woman gave birth, she immediately should. Your child, of course: feed, bathe, care, groom and cherish. If the father takes part in all this, he is a fine fellow and a hero. If not - well, he is a man, he works, he has seven families. But, firstly, raising a child is also a job. I will say even more, sitting with the baby around the clock is a hellish labor. Secondly, the payment of child benefits after childbirth does not stop. So, mother contributes to the maintenance of the family too. Yes, and she lost the salary is not at will. After all, we did children together, right? But we persistently believe that if the pope gets up at night, helps to bathe, walk, play and do lessons, he can fit his feet, watch with adoration and be touched in every possible way. See for yourself: how often do you hear that such-and-such is a bad mother? And what is a bad father?Photo: GettyImages Item 2. Lonely parent - norm and anomaly Such phenomenon, as a single mother, is quite usual for us. Did the father leave his family? Refused to participate in the upbringing of the child? Happenes. Business is everyday. Men - they are like that. Polygamous. What to take from them. Alimony pays (if he pays) - and thanks for that. But the words "father" and "loner", set side by side, produce the effect of a bomb exploding. If the mother left the family - definitely hyena. I left the child, as it is possible. The father did not rake the baby grandparents? A hero worthy of a lifetime monument. Why? Why, when a child is raised by a woman is it normal, and when a man is heroism? But let's not talk about this here "female destiny" with reference to "In the animal world". Item 3. The money question This is already the question of the divorced. The child in the vast majority of cases remains with his mother. The pope gets freedom and, if desired, visits to the children on weekends. Well, alimony still. Which abruptly end, as soon as the child turns 18 years old. If anyone has forgotten, now the children in 18 just finish school. That is, according to the logic of legislators (who are mostly men), a freshly released youth is already quite capable of supporting himself. In fact, yesterday's schoolboy usually goes to study further. And mothers have to keep the student alone. After all, such fathers, who are willingly continue to fork out further, are few. And the attempt to amend the Family Code, undertaken in 2015, failed. Right? By no means.
Photo:GettyImagesLet's make a reservation - not all men are the same, no. There are even those who do not consider it shameful to take urine samples to the lab instead of their pregnant wife. But this does not change the attitude of society towards them: the responsibility to raise and bring up children is primarily the woman's. There is one such picturesque case that the mother of a newborn shared on a social network: it turns out that her husband went to routine appointments at the clinic with the baby himself. Without her. At this time, she could breathe a little, slowly clean up, and even - unbelievably! - take a shower. The pediatrician was wary of the responsible dad. In her opinion, only a single father is capable of such heroism. Therefore, already on the second or third visit, she carefully asked: "What happened to your mother? Is she alive?.." See also: