After the release last year on the screens of the cartoon"The ballerina" in the country began a real ballet boom. "I want to be a ballerina," - you probably heard this phrase from your beloved child. But is it worth to go on about the child? And do you really need the ballet of a young lady? It is necessary, the People's Artist of Russia, art director of the Russian National Ballet School Ilze Liepa is convinced. And that's why.Photo: GettyImages

Ballet ennobles the body

Ilze LiepaChoreography is called classical educationbody. The girl becomes graceful, such on the street immediately visible. But ballet lessons also incredibly ennoble the soul. Not without reason in the XIX century they said: straightening your back, straighten your soul. Therefore, I am convinced that every girl should take care of the ballet, "says Ilze Liepa. "It does not matter if she has data for a professional ballet or not." We'll take any, even plump, lover of rolls and sweets. Boys are also concerned. At one time, Mikhail Baryshnikov said: "Ballet is hard work for real guys." So let the parents of future defenders of the Fatherland do not think that ballet is not manly.

Brings to art

Ilze LiepaWell, if the lessons go to the accompanimentaccompanist, as in our school. Live music develops a sense of rhythm, the ability to hear a musical phrase and repeat it in motion. This opens the ears for the perception of classical music. And let the child not become a professional dancer, for him all the treasures of our magic Petersburg will be understood. He will be able to perceive the museums, concerts, and painting in a different way.

Available from an early age

Ilze LiepaIn St. Petersburg, we recruit children from 3 years, and inMoscow - from 2. At this age, they begin to engage with moms or nannies, and the occupation can last only 15 minutes. I recently observed a girl in the class, she's been with us for the third year. She began to study with a pacifier in her mouth, could not stand more than 15 minutes. But now she is pleased to perform the most complicated exercises for an hour and a half. Of course, in 2-3 years, children do not get up to the machine and do not climb "on their fingers." But they are engaged in ballet gymnastics, which correctly forms the setting of the back, legs, develops coordination, a sense of rhythm and develops thinking. And yet - it prevents many problems of the musculoskeletal system. If you do not have time to write a child to the ballet in 2-3 years, it's okay. Beginning classes can be in 5 years, and at 25. Of course, if it is not about professional ballet and further admission to the choreographic school. The ballet becomes fashionable, and I can not but rejoice. When an adult woman gets to the machine and performs ballet exercises at that level and with the amplitude that is available to her, that's fine.

Forms character

Ilze LiepaChoreography, like sports, needs to be overcome. This is hard work, self-discipline, responsibility, concentration. Yes, sometimes a child can really get tired. But once you say: "Do not want to go - do not go" - everything, this is the way to nowhere. With children, no matter how small they are, one must talk, one must be able to find a common language with them and negotiate.

Helps to achieve the goal

Ilze LiepaLearn to correctly prioritize. Our father, Andris, Maris Liepa, never said that we must necessarily become stars. It is much more important that we love the profession. A profession in which every day I have to work through I can not, where you constantly have to endure the pain, overcome yourself. But only in this case everything will turn out successfully. And here much depends on the teacher. Complicated, monotonous and sometimes boring work can be presented so that the child will leave the classroom with a smile and burning eyes. And this, in turn, perfectly shapes the character. Therefore, if the child does not get fired by the desire to practice ballet after the first classes, do not rush to give it to gymnastics or drawing. Try to change the teacher first.

