Together with ticketing operator we have chosen 5 children's performances that will enthrall the most restless kids.
"Fairy tales of a learned cat"
Theater headed by ArmenDzhigarkhanyana Modern interpretation of Pushkin's fairy tale "About the Priest and His Worker Balda". Do not be surprised, except for the main characters on the stage will come unexpected performances of Baba-yaga, Koschey the Immortal and the Goblin. In this play, negative heroes do not frighten anyone, but instead they cheer for a whole hour with jokes and jokes not only of children, but also of parents. The duration of the performance is one hour (with intermission), each action lasts about 20-30 minutes.
"The Bear and the Girl"
Puppet Theatre "Albatross"If you appreciate the theatrechamber atmosphere and home comfort, be sure to visit the Albatross Theatre. You will see a classic puppet production of the beloved fairy tale about Mashenka and the Bear with small deviations from the main plot. The theatre artists know well how to attract and hold the audience's attention, and build a dialogue even with the youngest spectators. Children are happy to carry out important tasks of the actors and help the heroes in difficult situations. You won't be bored! Well, and adults will be pleased with the pleasant musical accompaniment (music by M.P. Mussorgsky) and the dances of the good-natured bear. The duration of the performance is 50 minutes (without intermission).
"Detective about the turnip"
Children's Musical Theater p / r GennadyChikhacheva Even the youngest children know and love the fairy tale about the turnip. Do you remember how your baby, with bated breath, listened to this story for the hundredth time? In the theater under the direction of Gennady Chikhachev a fairy tale was made even more interesting. New heroes and story lines appeared in it. Now the audience will know what actually happened in the house and the vegetable garden, while the turnip was growing (after all, in the people's version of this is not a word!). Kids will get acquainted with the frog, which is afraid that from its well will take all the water for watering the turnip. No one will be indifferent to the history of moles, whose mink is destroyed by the roots of a growing rep. The whole yard is concerned with the questions: "How to help the animals?", "Do you really have to pull out the turnip ahead of time?" The grandfather and the beetle come to the aid of the frog and mole, who know how to bail out the beasts and save the turnip. The duration of the performance is two hours (with one intermission ).
"Auntie Lusha and Kolyubov Vanyusha"
Moscow children's theater of puppetscurious Kolobok, who jumps off the window and, without knowing it, goes to a meeting with dangerous adventures. Children are met by familiar characters: a hare, a wolf, a bear and a cunning fox. Will it be possible for the cheat to dine delicious Kolobok? Of course not. After all, small spectators will protect the simpleton. Kolobok remains alive and well and returns to his "parents". The actors of the puppet theater believe that a successful finale will teach children to believe in a miracle and show that the hero always has a choice - there are no desperate situations. Please note that you need to come to the performance a little earlier if you do not want to skip the interactive program in the lobby. On it actors get acquainted with the audience, invite to the hall, children can be photographed with puppets and puppets. During the performance, the interactive program continues. Children knead the dough for a kolobok, put it in the oven, stamp and clap to scare the cunning fox. The duration of the performance is one hour (without intermission).
"Kitten named Woof"
Moscow Children's Book Theatre "Magic Lamp"A short and funny puppet show based on a story by Grigory Oster is a great option for a first acquaintance with the theater. A kitten and a puppy became friends in the yard. An unheard-of event. After all, their relatives have been feuding since ancient times! In simple and understandable language, the actors talk about what friendship is and why it should be protected. Children will understand that it is very important to share joy and sadness with a friend, because a friend will always support you in trouble. Before the performance, the actors conduct a short five-minute theater lesson, where they explain to the kids the rules of behavior in the theater in a playful way. The duration of the performance is 45 minutes (with one intermission). After watching the performance, do not forget to discuss with your child what he saw. What did you like the most? Why did the hero act this way? Theater is a great opportunity not only to introduce beauty, but also to teach without tediousness and instructions. By evaluating the heroes' actions from the outside, the child understands what is good and what is bad, reflects on important things in a playful way and learns to make decisions. We thank the ticket operator for helping us write the material.