lice preventionPrevention of lice in childrenPhoto: Getty

Where lice come from

The main route of lice infestation is contactchild carrier with healthy peers. Most often, epidemics erupt in kindergarten, country camp, school, which is why prevention of lice in the children's team is so important. Pathways of parasites:

  • combs;
  • hats;
  • rezinochki, bows, rims;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • pillows and linens;
  • clothes.

Lice can be picked up by a child in sportssections, and on vacation, playing with other kids in the sea or lake water. However, there were also cases of development of pediculosis in the absence of contact with the patient. If the baby is under severe stress, if his immunity is weakened, parents may be surprised to find him parasites.

Prevention of lice in children

Yet in most cases, direct contactis the main cause of infection. If someone in a kindergarten or school has lice, prevention is the only way to protect their child from misfortune. In addition, daily trips in public transport, visits to public places are reasons to conduct regular (once every ten days) preventive check-ups. Among the preventive measures most effective are the following:

  • Tight weaving of braids for girls. The bottom line is that parasites can easily move through long strands, so touch should be excluded.
  • Regular washing to give hair shine and silkiness. The goal is not aesthetic, but practical: on smooth, slippery locks, lice are harder to hold on.
  • Treatment with an individual comb with a solutionby adding two or three drops of essential oil of tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, anise or vetiver. You should first ensure that there is no allergy to the odorous substance.

With a child must be carried outpreventive conversations. The kid should understand why it is impossible to use someone else's clothes, bedding, hairbrushes, change hats, etc. An older child should be explained that it is not at all embarrassing to become infected with lice, but it’s better to avoid this trouble. Observing reasonable care can protect the child and prevent infection.

