Loving money is not shameful if you are ready for themearn. Spit on the age qualification, the labor market is stormed by young applicants. Can I make money if you are not 14? How correctly to be registered on work? How much should they pay? There are many questions. And the parents have more than the young workers themselves. We tried to answer them.

About age

One of the specialized sites onEmployment of teenagers is ready to offer work even to 10-year-old children. Classes are: to distribute leaflets, post ads and help with housework. Here are the resumes of young applicants. Ads about finding work with spelling mistakes are childlike and truthful. Students write that they are ready to clean streets, walk dogs, sit with children, wash, cook, iron, clean up ... Young workers are also interested in work in a cafe, office and on the Internet. And like everything is nothing: there is a proposal and demand is present ... If not for one "but". The Russian legislation provides for employment from 16 years. According to Art. 63 of the LC RF, if the work is easy and does not cause harm to health, an employment contract can be concluded with a 15-year-old applicant. If the desire to receive the first salary appeared even earlier, and the prospective service passes without prejudice to the development of the educational program, a 14-year-old candidate can replenish the work series with the consent of one of the parents (the guardian or the guardianship authority). Consent to work is necessary in writing. And even earlier you can work only on the set of films, in the circus and theater. In this case, the labor contract on behalf of the employee is signed by the parent or guardian.How to earn a teenager?Photo: "Lori" photo bank

About the working day

By itself, the phrase "child labor" somehowalarming. A picture is involuntarily drawn in my head of how thin, exhausted children work in the sun. Fortunately, the reality is very different. The work of minors is carefully regulated by the law, according to which schoolchildren have a shorter working day. Children under 16 work no more than 24 hours a week. Those who have already turned 16, but have not yet come of age, 35 hours. During school hours, the norm is divided by two. In this case, the "watch" of a teenager must be harmless and safe. The law prohibits minors from carrying weights, working overtime, traveling on business trips, working at night, on weekends and holidays. The young staff can only be dismissed with the approval of the labor inspectorate. But a student can count on an extended vacation at any convenient moment. Obviously, in a tandem employer - a student, the latter has more advantages and guarantees. This is probably why employers are reluctant to cooperate with employment centers, and if they decide to hire a teenager, they try to do it bypassing the law. A life story 15-year-old Anita read the announcement that the company needs promoters at a bus stop. On a tattered piece of paper it was written in black and white: no work experience. "What you need!" - thought the schoolgirl, who dreamed of a trip to the capital. In a couple of months, a concert of your favorite band should take place in Moscow, and the ticket prices are simply extortionate. Parents will not help - there is no opportunity, so the schoolgirl decided to earn money herself. The interview was conducted by a young man who called himself deputy director. Without even asking the name of a potential employee, he briefly said that the company was selling plumbing equipment. The essence of the work was to distribute leaflets daily from 8 to 10 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm. They promised to pay 150 rubles per hour, and give money every day after work. The girl agreed and, grabbing a stack of "waste paper", promised to start the next day. The employer dismissed the question about the documents, they say, it is not necessary, then we will decide. After working the shift, Anita arrived at the office and received the money. This went on for four happy days. During this time, no one has taken an interest in her documents. On the fifth day, the schoolgirl came for a salary, but in response she heard: "no cash", you will take it back tomorrow. The next day, the situation repeated itself. For a month the girl was fed "breakfasts". And then the boss went on a business trip. Anita, of course, did not achieve justice. Now she works in a pet store - by an acquaintance. Despite the absence of an employment contract, the schoolgirl regularly receives a salary and no longer doubts where she wants to work after graduation.

About free labor

If the child still decided to earn extra money,experts of the Ministry of Labor advise to look for options through employment centers. The state labor market offers to clean and plant the territory, distribute printed products, work as packers, packers, couriers, counselors and animators. You can find a vacant place yourself, but in this case do not forget that ad on the fence can leave the student without pay. In order not to become an altruist involuntarily, it is necessary to conclude an employment contract - in duplicate and not later than the first three working days. In addition, a minor employee is primarily required to request the written consent of the parents. If the employer is not initially interested in the presence of paternal approval and even more so refuses to conclude an agreement, the student will most likely not be paid. It is worth noting that before the design of young cadres must undergo a medical check-it is compulsory. According to lawyers, the contract should be prescribed a specific amount that will receive a young employee. Extra bonuses, bonuses and other bonuses also should be "recorded". In general, it is better to control the transaction of a child with a potential leader to parents. To get acquainted with the conditions on which they contract with their child, it does not hurt.How to earn a teenager?Photo: "Lori" photo bank

About money

The price is set by the employer, however, the salarymust be at least 7500 rubles (SMIC). From July 1, the amount will rise to 7800 rubles. On the personal account of a minor in proportion to the time worked, the CPT monthly lists the material support. The size of the increase is about one thousand rubles, depending on the region. Somewhere more, somewhere less ... It is noteworthy that a minor worker is not liable for the damage caused, except for the facts of willful wreckage, confirmed by the court's verdict. History of life In search of work-outs, 16-year-old Nikolai wandered to the job site. Filling out a simple application form, the teenager continued to study the Internet space. After a week of futile attempts to find something suitable schoolboy had already lost hope when a phone call came. The interlocutor introduced himself as an employee of the site and invited Nicholas to an interview. The position of an auxiliary worker in a confectionery store interested the young man and he agreed. The acquaintance with the employer passed with a cheer, and the very next day Nikolai went to the service. With him immediately concluded a labor contract. Soon another pleasant surprise awaited him: the first salary surpassed all expectations. Now the schoolboy with maximum responsibility comes to his duties, because the next summer plans to return here.

To work or not to work: the opinion of a psychologist

Some parents are wary ofthe desire of the offspring to earn extra money. Like, have time to plow, the whole life is ahead. Others worry: suddenly it does not work out? Failure and disappointment can cause trauma, leaving a trace for life ... Mom and Dad, exhale! Keep from the mistakes of his "babe" is impossible, but it is realistic to make him stronger. "The main thing is to support the aspiration and beginnings of the child," notes psychologist Elena Shamova. - Do not belittle his desire to earn even a penny, in your opinion. The experience of the first job will help your son or daughter understand the real value of money and will teach you to respect not only your own, but also someone else's work. And besides, more consciously spend the earned, independently making a decision. Labor everyday life is also social adaptation, vocational guidance and regime. A teenager will expand his horizons and learn to take responsibility for his actions. Even if the material component is not as significant as we would like, it will become a colossal experience. And then, working in a serious organization is still much better than sitting around the computer for days or wandering aimlessly around the streets. As you know, unorganized rest is especially dangerous in adolescence, when hormones are pulled on adventures.

