If the baby is breastfed,it is better not to travel by plane. Pediatricians do not recommend to go on a flight with a baby who is not three years old. But, alas, not all parents listen to the advice of doctors. If we still chose the plane, make sure that the child is easier to bear the road. Take with you new books, toys and food that your baby is used to. Make sure that the nose of the child was not laid, you can use drops before takeoff and landing (consult your doctor). If the baby is swaying, give him lollipops.vacation with baby tipsPhoto: Getty Images1.Hardening For summer holidays, you need to prepare in advance. Hardening, strengthening the immune system will help the child spend the summer without colds and other troubles. Many parents include their baby in the immunization process from a very early age, but it is never too late to start hardening. The procedures should be carried out daily, preferably in the morning and afternoon. Air baths, compulsory gymnastics, sunbathing, washing to the waist with cool water, walking on pebbles - these and many other activities should be introduced with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. Keep in mind that the child should like all procedures; if they cause negative emotions, try to change that. Three to four weeks before departure, be sure to consult with a pediatrician, you can start taking multivitamins, immunostimulating drugs, so that the restructuring to the new climate is easier. Vaccinations When planning a summer vacation with your child, it is important to ensure that your travel is not harmful to your health. Many parents do not stop at the usual vaccination schedule and try to protect their baby from possible infections, taking into account the list of recommended vaccinations for a trip to a specific country. Not only in tropical, but also in European countries there is a risk of contracting, for example, viral hepatitis A, intestinal infections, salmonellosis and other infections through water, food. However, some parents consider the issue of additional vaccination controversial, and the choice, of course, always remains with them. At the same time, it is not always possible to cross the borders of a number of countries without a certificate of the necessary vaccination. Acclimatization It is better to go to a country with a climate similar to Samara for a vacation with a baby. A good option is Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Hungary. So it will be easier for the child to endure the change of the time zone, the usual routine of life. If you arrive at the sea, you shouldn't go swimming for the whole day right away. Try to stay in an air-conditioned room as little as possible and do not give your child soft drinks from the refrigerator. When traveling to hot countries on vacation with a child, be very careful. 4. Necessary medicines on the road If the child is shown any medicines, take them with a reserve so that you do not have to look for them in a pharmacy abroad. Find out in advance whether the import of these drugs into the country you want to visit is allowed. Be sure to take your doctor's prescription with you. Despite the availability of medical insurance, it is necessary to take medicines on the road. At a minimum: antipyretic enzymes (for example, "Mezim"), enterosorbents ("Smecta" or "Polysorb"), antiviral ("Arbidol" or "Viferon"), a remedy for the treatment of microtraumas, ears, cream "Panthenol", bactericidal adhesive plaster, sterile bandage, antidiarrheal, antihistamines. Be prepared for the most unpredictable situations. And don't forget about hygiene items, stock up on wet wipes and paper handkerchiefs vacation with baby tipsPhoto: Getty Images5. Bathing and sunbathingTo rest at sea would be beneficial, and would not turn into a cold or pneumonia, it is important to remember about the danger of temperature changes. Start swimming from the pool, not from the sea. Stay in the sun should be dosed. The child should sunbathe early in the morning or before sunset and under diffused light, under the "fungus", in the shade of a rock, a tree. Baby clothes should be comfortable, made of cotton, light colors. You can use sun protection - a cream with a high rate for children. Headgear should be wide brimmed. If the child is overheated or burned, put it under a cool shower. If the temperature rises, give the baby an age-old antipyretic dose. And for two or three days, do not bring the child under the open sun. Rules of hygiene Do not forget about elementary rules: wash your hands before eating, wash fruits, vegetables, dishes. And use bottled water for drinking, and boiled water for washing. Try to feed the child only the food to which he was accustomed. Be especially careful about the choice of dishes of the national cuisine of exotic countries. Returning from a trip, you should not send your child to kindergarten the very next day. After changing the climate and time zones, the child is at risk of infectious diseases. It is better to refrain from attending preschool and public places for at least a week.

