Akara turquoise: the basic rules of care and maintenance

For acaras, the aquarium volume will need to be at least200 liters. Initially, it can accommodate a whole school of 6-7 individuals, but as they grow older, you need to leave only one pair, since the size of these fish can reach 25 cm. Males are usually larger than females, they are easily distinguished by separate lines of the pattern, as well as a hump of fat on the head.turquoise akaraTurquoise acaras are actively growing and developing evenin community aquariumsPhoto: Getty Acaras constantly dig the soil, so it must be well rolled. For the same reason, it is important to choose plants with developed roots and dense leaves. In addition, other recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Stones and snags will be an excellent shelter for fish, but they will need additional reinforcement.
  • Filtration, oxygen enrichment and regular water changes are needed.
  • The temperature should vary in the range of 22-28 degrees, its decrease is permissible only for a short time.
  • The acidity of the water should be from 6.5 to 7.5, and the hardness - 10-13.
  • It is important not to overdo it with feeding, 1-2times a day, giving the fish small portions so that no food particles remain in the water. Acaras are predators whose diet should include both live and plant food; frozen meat, fish, insects and various seafood can be used for this purpose. When properly maintained, turquoise acaras live for about 12 years. Representatives of this species easily reproduce even in an aquarium, but they will need a flat stone to lay their eggs.

    Compatibility of cancer with other types of fish

    The character of representatives of this species is quiteunpredictable - they are quite calm and peaceful, but can periodically demonstrate aggression. Acaras will quickly destroy small fish - for them, they are just tasty food. Therefore, they should also be housed with fairly large neighbors that are able to stand up for themselves. Ideal compatibility of turquoise acaras is achieved with the following species:

    • red parrots;
    • mail soma;
    • astronotus;
    • cychlasmic severum.

    It is important to take into account that acaras are quite curious,but they do not know how to stand up for themselves - they often die in fights with other inhabitants. Therefore, it is not recommended to settle them together with tilapia, flowerhorns and other aggressive fish. It is better to keep acaras in pairs. They do not get along well with neighbors, so it is important to approach the choice of other inhabitants of the aquarium responsibly - so that representatives of different species do not harm each other. Keeping acaras requires constant temperature control and regular water renewal, as well as careful selection of balanced food necessary for the active growth and development of these fish. Also on the topic:

