Bronchitis is a lesion of the mucous membranebronchi, which arose as a result of the inflammatory process. There are many different causes of this disease. ARVI is one of many causes. Depending on the nature of the disease, bronchitis can be acute and chronic. According to the causes of occurrence, it can be infectious, asthmatic and obstructive (allergic or smoker's bronchitis). Let's talk about simple, ordinary bronchitis.
Symptoms of bronchitis in adults
Any bronchitis in adults is accompanied bycertain signs by which the disease is recognized. Cough is the main symptom of bronchitis. It begins as a dry, persistent cough that irritates the mucous membrane, sometimes with chest pain. After some time (usually on the 2nd or 3rd day), sputum appears, which is initially transparent, and then changes color to yellow-green, purulent. By this time, the pain when coughing disappears, and the cough itself becomes paroxysmal. The volume of sputum increases, its color changes. Acute bronchitis is usually accompanied by weakness, lethargy, body temperature rises to 37-39 degrees. When small bronchi are affected, the patient suffers from shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion, for example, when bending over or climbing stairs. Acute bronchitis without complications lasts about ten days. As recovery progresses, the amount of sputum decreases, the patient coughs less often, and the body temperature becomes normal. Let's see how to treat bronchitis in adults.
Treatment of bronchitis in official medicine
Although people often suffer from acute bronchitis, oneThere is no universal prescription yet. For example, antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed strictly individually. An adult, having felt the disease, immediately begins to take antibiotics. But by taking medications without control, humanity does a disservice to itself. Strains of bacteria are formed that are resistant to antibiotics, which makes treatment difficult. But it happens that the treatment of bronchitis in adults cannot be done without antibiotics. This applies to elderly patients and those who suffer from bronchial asthma. Antibiotics are also necessary for adults who suffer from bronchitis more than four times a year. This category of the population may experience a deterioration in health after bronchitis, since their mucous membrane is populated by bacteria, which under unfavorable conditions will turn into microbes - pathogens of the disease. When treating adult elderly patients, antibiotics are prescribed for about 7 days, but it is advisable to take them until the symptoms of the disease disappear, plus a couple more days to finally kill the infection. The medications should be taken on a schedule so that the concentration of the medicine is constantly in the blood, which will suppress the reproduction of bacteria. The question arises, what antibiotics should adults take for common bronchitis? It is better not to joke with medications and you should visit your family doctor at the first signs of bronchitis.
Phytotherapy and treatment of bronchitis
Adults can be treated for bronchitisherbs containing essential oils - these are eucalyptus and oregano, wild rosemary and mint. Decoctions from them expand the bronchi and facilitate breathing. Such well-known herbs as coltsfoot, plantain, chamomile contain mucous substances that can envelop the bronchi and soften the pain of coughing. The presence of vitamin C in these herbs reduces inflammation. Licorice and calendula have a general tonic effect. Excellent expectorants - marshmallow root, flax seed and fennel. When treating bronchitis, you need to know the following. Firstly, when taking herbal decoctions, you need to know whether they will cause you an allergy. Secondly, you cannot carry out treatment with alcohol tinctures - They provoke vasodilation, which causes swelling of the bronchial mucosa, and this does not contribute to recovery, but only worsens the situation. When doing herbal inhalations, take only herbs containing essential oils. There is an opinion that bronchitis can be treated with radish and honey. However, this is a big exaggeration. First of all, honey can cause allergies and, like everything sweet, promotes the proliferation of bacteria, but if bronchitis is a consequence of ARVI, then radish can be harmful. Viruses, affecting small vessels, make them fragile, and radish can provoke bleeding. The best herbal remedies that our medicine offers are breast infusions. Four types of breast infusions are freely sold in pharmacies.
These fees should be accepted as follows:
Treatment with herbs must be long-term, approximately 20 days.
Traditional medicine against bronchitis
There are various decoctions from dried berries andraspberry leaves, elderberry decoction, linden blossom. All decoctions should be taken hot instead of tea. Experts advise drinking hot milk with honey, throwing a small pinch of soda into it. It is good to take a mixture of onions and honey. It is very easy to prepare this medicine: combine 500 g of finely chopped onion with honey (50 g), add 1 liter of water and add 0.4 kg of sugar, then boil this mixture for 3 hours. Strain and take three times a day for a tablespoon. Keep this medicine in a cool place. In general, bronchitis is advisable to treat with herbs. Phytotherapy is an important component of treatment, and do not reject it. Medicinal herbs together with pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by your doctor will ensure your quick recovery. Do not get sick, be healthy!