About that, the process of procreation is beautiful or notvery, you can argue long. However, in all honesty, we admit: the view is not the most aesthetic. A loving person, of course, will see in the births exclusively beauty. But an outsider can fall into a swoon. However, a loving and unprepared is also not a fact that he will keep on his feet. And for a woman it's a difficult experience - both physically and psychologically. And then there was a picture in social networks, which literally broke all the templates. Theis de Marie, a fashion blogger and designer from Spain, did selfie right after delivery. More precisely, after she was cesarean. Theys is still lying on the table, the lower part of the body is closed from it with a special cloth, electrodes are attached to the chest. But most importantly - on the breast of a young mother lies her newborn daughter, already washed, in a white cap. The father of the family looks into the cell. And - it's incredible! - All three are smiling. And all three are so beautiful!Photo:@thaisedemariYes, the first family photo of mom, dad and daughter turned out to be just unrealistically cool. It is overflowing with happiness. Skeptics, of course, may say that the child is actually just screaming or whining. But we assure you: we have seen enough whining children. And this child is laughing. The girl was named Carmel. She has been a real model since infancy. Mom takes pictures of her in so many ways! And dressed up like socialite fashionistas, and in a sweatshirt and jeans, and in a mermaid costume, and in stylish dresses and glamorous swimsuits. Well, so what? Carmel is so lucky - she was born the daughter of a fashion designer. However, the baby does not seem to mind. She smiles in every photo - just like at the moment of birth.

