1. Admire the nature.While walking, pay attention to the plants, insects, birds and animals. Tell us about some interesting things. For example, count the number of rings on a stump, explain that how many rings this tree has been for so many years. There is one more interesting feature: thin rings speak of bad years - cold and arid, and wider rings - of favorable, that is warm, with a sufficient amount of rain.2. Create a photo collage of this summer. Suggest your child to take pictures of this summer: interesting moments, funny events, views of nature, etc. It will be even more interesting if he writes explanations and notes to these photos. And at the end of the summer, create a collage together and hang it in the child’s room. So the memories of this summer will definitely stay with you.How to take a child on vacationPhoto: GettyImages3.Teach your child the yard games of your childhood. Outdoor games are now a rarity. Teach your child and his friends to play tag, robber Cossacks, and remind the girls of the good old game - jumping rubber bands. Such outdoor games are suitable for children of almost all ages, well, and the benefits from them are enormous - both physically and in terms of the child's socialization in a team. Fly a kite. Entertainment from our childhood will conquer modern children too. Ideally, you don't know how to make a snake independently, it's okay, and a purchased one will bring a lot of joy. Go for a hike and the nature excursion will be a thrilling adventure. Set up a tent, bake potatoes in the coals, and be sure to sing songs by the fire. Even if you do not dare to stay there with an overnight stay, a day spent in nature in this way will remain in the memory of the child for a long time. 6. Make a sundial. Take a disposable plate, draw a dial with a marker (it is necessary to divide the plate into 24 sectors, not 12, as in a mechanical clock). Make a hole in the center and insert a stick or pencil into it. At exactly noon, set the clock so that the shadow from the pencil falls on the number 12, and observe how the shadow moves in accordance with the time of day. 7. Play pirates. Draw a map with secrets and puzzles, hide the "hordes" in the territory where the game will take place (playground, park, summer cottage). Such searches will surely delight children. Then, in addition, you can also arrange a pirate feast.How to take a child on vacationPhoto: GettyImages8. Marvel at the starry sky.Even just a late walk will already cause a lot of joy in the child. Everything seems mysterious and exciting in the dark. Marvel at the starry sky, find the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Tell the children fairy tales, legends, and maybe even scary stories. Shine a flashlight on the wall and play shadow theater. 9. Have a themed holiday. It can be any holiday: Ice Cream Day, Neptune Day, foam party, etc. Together with the children, create costumes, contests, prepare a treat, turn on funny music and have fun from the heart. Explore your hometown Try becoming a tourist in your hometown. Walk around places of interest, visit remote corners, go to the local history museum. Something new and unknown can be found even in the most familiar place. 11. Build a hut. If you have a summer cottage, you can't do without a summer secret shelter. A hut made of branches, a tree house for older children, or just a construction of boxes, boards and branches - in any case, the child will be completely delighted. 12. Plant flowers - this can be done in the country, under the windows or on the balcony. It is best to choose fast-growing flowers so that the child does not have to wait long for the fruits of their labors. Master roller skates (skate, bike, or jumpers) What else has your child not tried? Choose the age-appropriate option, protective equipment and go to the park. An excellent option would be badminton or table tennis - no less pleasure, and the risk of injury is minimal.How to take a child on vacationPhoto: GettyImages14. Get a pet.In the summer it is best to fulfill the dream of many children and have a pet. In the autumn and winter, because of a kindergarten or a school, it is problematic to take care of animals fully, but if you start a small animal in the summer, then there is every chance that by the fall the child will learn to combine their activities and care for their pet.15. Get involved in sports. Summer is a great time to start playing sports! Take care of the health of your offspring - begin to attend sports clubs and sections. During this period, recovery is in full swing, and time to get used to a new lesson, much more. By September, the child will already have certain habits, and the problem of the proper allocation of time with new activities will not emerge.

