Features of single combat, at what age should the child be brought

This sport will be interesting for a boy whowants to become strong, be able to stand up for themselves and protect the weak, girls come to such sports sections less often. During a fight, it is allowed to hit the opponent not only with fists and feet, but even with knees and elbows. Thanks to the impressive victories of Thai fighters in the international arena, this type of martial art gained popularity in the last century in many countries.In sections Thai boxing for childrenIn sections, Thai boxing is taught for children from 5years old, but they are not allowed into the ring before 12Photo: GettyThai boxing or mua thai is a spectacular hand-to-hand combat. Some trainers accept children from 5 years old for training. Even a young athlete can master the technique of successful wrestling in a short time. You can bring your child to classes without fearing for his safety. The training is designed to protect against injuries. In addition to practicing boxing techniques, the children do a variety of physical exercises, stretches and play active games.

What workouts include

For general physical development the following are performed:general strengthening exercises. The children swim in the pool and do various gymnastic exercises. Only when their physical fitness reaches the required level do they move on to paired exercises. Wrestling during classes is done in a playful manner, without any serious blows. Much time is spent working with equipment during training – punching bags of various shapes. Professional Thai boxers have special exercises as a mandatory element of their training, which make the body resistant to blows and injuries.

Benefit from Thai boxing

In addition to self-defense skills, a child from an early agewill develop physically. His joints will become flexible and mobile, he will learn to breathe correctly and move from muscle tension to relaxation and vice versa. Thai boxing will help the child develop, improve and apply not only his physical, but also personal qualities. Children athletes spend less time in front of the computer monitor. In addition to excellent physical fitness, Thai boxing helps to develop such character traits as patience, strength, composure. Even if the child does not become a champion, he will be able to achieve success in any business.

