The younger brother of my childhood friend almost becamestutterer, after watching the movie "Alien". Leszek was then five years old - let's just say, not the age at which it is worth getting acquainted with such horror stories. However, the psyche of Soviet children was subjected to tests pohlesche Hollywood blockbuster. One only cartoon "Scarlet Flower", shot at the studio Soyuzmultfilm in 1952, which is. No, the story itself is innocent, like a baby's tear. But the monster that was dying with a moan frightened many. Particularly impressionable young ladies closed their eyes and pressed to their mother when the enchanted prince peeped after Nastenka, hiding in the bushes. By the way, the image of the monster was written off from the actor Michael Astangov (remember Negoro from the "Fifteen-year-old captain"?) - they dressed him in a bathrobe, his "hump" from the pillow (when creating the cartoon used the fashionable in those years, the method of "eclair" - the images played by live actors, were transferred to paper). And "The Mystery of the Third Planet" ?! On the archaeologist Gromozek, although he claims to be a positive hero, without flinching, it is impossible to look. Well, after clapping a sharp pirate Glot from the planet Katruk, no "Jaws" are not terrible. All right cartoons! Children's fairy tales that our grandmothers and mothers read to us at night can well claim the title of a ready-made script for a horror film. Here, for example, an excerpt from the Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful" from the collection compiled by Afanasyev. It's about the home of Baba Yaga, in which the main character came. "The fence around the hut of human bones, on the fence there are human skulls, with eyes; instead of the beliefs at the gate - the legs of a man, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock - mouth with sharp teeth. " If the child with a fantasy everything is fine - write-was lost: nightmares are guaranteed. Well, that the child is guaranteed to be frightened, here are illustrations for a fairy tale from the famous Russian artist Ivan Bilibin.1 / 3 To Vasilissa the Beautiful light illuminated the skull withburning eyesPhoto: Baba-Yaga in the stuphotPhoto: Black HorsemanPhoto: wikipedia.orgIllustrations that created for the collection "Gift of the wind. Latvian folk tales "famous artist from Latvia Inara Garklava, horrified even those who saw Spanish macho. On one of the forums, the guy with delight, bordering on horror, shared his impressions of the scanned. And he had not yet seen the book, which read all the children in Estonia. The legend of the Great Tyll (a giant farmer who lived on the island of Saaremaa and fought with the enemies of his people) was first screened by Estonian animators. And only then on the motives of the cartoon the same artist Yuri Arrak released a book. The severed heads, crushed enemies, blood by the river-even my colleague, whose enthusiasm is envied by the whole editorial board, could not stand the nerve. Well, my childhood was spent in the Far East, and therefore in the city library I got acquainted not with the Estonian, but with the Yakut and Chukchi epos. There were monsters and monsters there too. As, for example, in the "Nyurgun Bootur impetuous" with pictures of Alley Sivtsev, Vladimir Karamzin and Innokenty Koryakin.

