Causes of strong tonus during pregnancy
A variety of factors contribute to tension in the uterine muscles. Some of them are quite harmless, such as a light massage or ultrasound examination.Increased tone during pregnancy can be determined independently using palpationPhoto: GettyIn this case, there is no cause for concern. But there are more serious reasons:
- Low progesterone concentration. The lack of this hormone often provokes an increase in tone in early pregnancy.
- Enlarged uterus due to fetal growth, or premature disclosure of her cervix.
- Rhesus conflicts. That is why a woman needs to periodically donate blood.
- Diseases. For example, problems with thyroid or toxicosis.
- External causes: hard physical labor or inhalation of harmful chemicals.
Strong tonus during pregnancy is easily a doctor during a routine examination or during an ultrasound scan. But often the woman herself is able to determine when the alarm should be sounded. This can be done with palpation (palpation), lying on a horizontal surface. In the normal state, the abdomen is soft. With hypertonia, its elasticity will be comparable to the elasticity of the thigh.
Pregnancy and tone at different times
At different stages of pregnancy, the uterus behaves differently:
- I trimester. Increased tone in early pregnancy almost always requires treatment. After all, at this time there is a high probability of miscarriage. If pains occur during sudden movements, certain postures, the no-shpa is usually appointed. When hormonal disorders prescribe prescribed course urozhestana and duphaston. Sometimes hospitalization is required.
- II trimester. The body begins to actively prepare for future genera. Periods of relaxation and tension of the uterus are becoming quite common. However, the spasms are not distinguished by strong pain and are of short duration. But still, you should tell the doctor about them, as the tone can lead to oxygen starvation. May be prescribed the drug Magne B6.
- III trimester. During this period, it is not always possible to distinguish hypertonus from preparatory contractions, which are considered normal. Therefore, a pregnant woman can be sent to CTG. However, medication is prescribed rarely, only in cases where there are any pathology.
Hypertonus carries the threat of miscarriage orpremature birth for a woman, it is dangerous for the baby. The fetus may receive less oxygen, which leads to hypoxia, or nutrients, which is fraught with growth retardation (hypotrophy).
How to remove an increased tone?
It's not always necessary to solve a problemresort to medication. Sometimes soothing herbal decoctions, such as motherwort, help. Sports activities will do a good job: walking and swimming. A slight elasticity of the abdomen goes away if you lower your head low, relax the facial and neck muscles, and breathe through your mouth. You need to not only try to relieve the increased tone, but also eliminate the cause of its appearance. If the pain is not too strong, but the abdomen sometimes tenses and hardens, do the "Cat" exercise. Take a knee-elbow position. Slowly raise your head and arch your back. Hold this position for a few seconds and relax again. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times, and then lie down for an hour. If you contact a doctor in a timely manner, the increased tone will not interfere with a successful birth.