What is the reason for low blood pressure in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

When the pressure goes down, it breaks downblood circulation in the placenta, the baby’s nutrition worsens, oxygen starvation begins. The general well-being of the mother is also worsening, which is noticeable even in her appearance. These symptoms should not be ignored. And first of all you need to deal with the causes.Low blood pressure during pregnancy 1 trimesterLow pressure during pregnancy - a frequent first-trimester satellitePhoto: GettyIt can identify the following reasons for lowering pressure in pregnant women:

  • Fluctuations hormonal background. The functional decrease in pressure is due to the triggering of the mechanism inherent in nature, since the body has to form new networks of blood vessels, and too active blood flow in such a period is undesirable.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Serious diseases - gastric ulcer, allergic manifestations, insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands.
  • Effect of infection or virus.

In order for low blood pressure not to cause a pregnancy complication, you should immediately report your condition to a doctor who will assess the severity of the situation and give correct recommendations.

What if I have low blood pressure during pregnancy?

Understand that the pressure has dropped below the norm, you can by the following signals of the body:

  • a feeling of nausea and a permanent or abrupt weakness;
  • drowsiness, even after a good night's rest;
  • too fast fatigue;
  • darkening of the eyes and dizziness;
  • tingling sensation;
  • fainting.

When there are such signs, you need to quicklystabilize performance using only safe means. These include sweetened black tea with lemon, fresh parsley, tomato juice, a small cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate. You need to avoid stress. If you feel bad - lie down, gain strength. When during pregnancy low blood pressure, what to do - should tell the doctor. Do not take any drugs yourself without his appointment, so as not to hurt yourself or the baby. If hypotension becomes a constant companion of pregnancy, you should reconsider the daily regimen and habits. First of all, adjust the food ration, planning a balanced and rich in vitamins nutrition, quality rest. Be sure to include in the daily schedule long walks.

