So the summer has passed.No, we will not sing Sofia Rotaru's song, we will go to the school line. Today the grandson of Nadezhda Babkina and the son of Grigory Leps went to the first grade, Alexey Makarov is seeing off his daughter. Grigory Leps, by the way, even started Instagram in honor of such an event. The daughters of Vera Brezhneva, Tatyana Navka, the sons of Olga Orlova, Anna Mikhalkova are going to graduation, 11th grade. "Good luck, my baby!" Alena Vodonaeva's son, Bogdan, is in first grade. “First time in the third grade, my schoolgirl,” - Yulia Baranovskaya congratulates her daughter. And this is how Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova, aka Gluk'oZa, celebrates the Day of Knowledge, with her daughters. Aug 31 2017 at 11:59 PDT Yes, and in general, there are a lot of stellar schoolchildren. After all, it is not for nothing that among our celebrities there are many fathers and mothers with many children. TV presenter Aurora escorts her girl to school, actress Ekaterina Klimova leads the children, rapper Basta walks on the line with her daughter. At the school where the rapper's daughter studies, by the way, they joined the charitable action "Children instead of flowers" - instead of huge bouquets, teachers donate money to help children. Svetlana Permyakova took her daughter not to school, however, but to the senior group of kindergarten. But we still included it in our selection. Painfully cute photo! In general, not all are counted. But you can try to look at everyone! We have collected for you the brightest moments from the school lines of star children. We will see?

