The pioneer in this genre was Nikita Dzhigurda. On January 23, 2010, his wife, the figure skater Marina Anisina, gave birth to her daughter Eva-Vlad. Before giving birth, Nikita promised that he would remove the entire process on video. And he did not lie. While Marina lay on the couch and cope with the fights, Nikita played her guitar and shot. After the father-fellow posted a video on the Internet, the video of his daughter's birth was broadcast on prime-time TV channels. "I believe that this is a work of art. In childbirth I see the beauty of nature! It's almost like a feature film, a natural act of the appearance of life on earth. I showed how a woman becomes a Madonna ", - explained his trick Dzhigurda.Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov / PhotoXPress.ru27 October 2014 live on the air gave birth to Aida Field - the wife of musician Robbie Williams. The singer put photos of his wife on the gynecological chair in the net, took pictures of her dancing, and he sings, the moment when Aide pierces the bubble so that the waters go ... And so the whole audience of Twitter saw Williams' son Charlton Valentine appear. The responses were mixed: most Internet users still believe that there are zones where cameras and social networks can not be marshalled. And this conservativeness in this matter pleases.A photo: Twitter Robbie Williams Years ago, the wife of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova Polina became one of the participants in the reality show "Pregnant" on the channel "Home", and on May 27 at 13:40 a couple of days later than the due date gave birth to a third son Ilya. The umbilical cord was cut by the proud father himself, who was always in the ward.A photo: Facebook Dmitry Dibrov Another star of the show was Doma-2 star Daria Pynzar. On May 15, Dasha gave birth to David's second son, 50 cm tall and weighing 2.73 kg. In addition to Sergei's husband, births were also attended by operators, who filmed the whole process from start to finish.A photo: @ darya_pinzar86Aisa Anokhin is also a member of the "Pregnant." She decided for a long time that the spouse of Dmitri will always be at arm's length in childbirth: "All the time my husband will be around and will feel all the feelings that I feel. We are waiting for the birth of our son, and I'm very happy that I have no fear of everything that awaits me ", - wrote the star in social networks. And she did not lie. October 3 at 20.00 the second son of the star Elvis appeared. The height of the baby is 56 cm, weight - 3, 56 kg. The contractions lasted 20 hours, and the doctors decided to do cesarean section. Aisa Anokhina: "Being a mother is real happiness, and being twice a mother is an incredible gift of fate! Now I'm just overwhelmed with emotions, because with the birth of the baby begins a new page of our family history. I want to express my great gratitude to my husband, who was close to me throughout the process and supported me. You are my support, my universe and my love, and now you and I will be a million times happier. "Photo by: @aizalovesam

