The past year has been eventful for Tutta.During her pregnancy with her third child, she launched her own television channel for parents, TUTTA. TV, became the face of the Huggies brand in Russia, and returned to work almost immediately after the birth of her son. Now the presenter and her large family are taking a break from their busy Moscow life in Sochi. For her youngest son, Tutta, the trip to the sea was the first big trip. “I am very happy about the long-awaited vacation and the fact that I can fully devote this time to my family,” Tutta shared. “My husband, children, and I are absolutely delighted with the sea, the sun, and new impressions. Although this is our youngest Vanya’s first trip to the sea, a change of scenery is only good for him. He is actively learning and developing everything. He recently delighted us by learning how to make patty-cake and play the game “fly, sit on your head,” in general, he is pleased and happy.”Tutta Larsen's youngest son IvanPhoto:personal archive of Tutta LarsenTutta will celebrate the first year of her son's life with her family. According to the presenter, they prefer to celebrate all family holidays together and only with the closest people. "We will definitely give Vanya some kind of memorable gift on his birthday. Although in fact, at this age the best gift for a child is when the whole family is together," says Tutta. - Mom, dad, older brother and sister, both grandmothers and grandfather. For the first time in our lives, we are vacationing with such a big family, and it coincided with the celebration of our youngest's birthday! " After the vacation, the presenter will return to work on her channel with renewed vigor. The next season of TUTTA.TV, where the most pressing parenting topics are discussed, starts in early September.